If you didn't tell us I would swear it was AC/DC. Good song.
Some outrageous pics but I couldn't stop watching.
I wrote it to announce "Last Call" during our last set and we play AC/DC then so I wanted it to fit in. Plus our singer Roger can really channel Brian Johnson. I played the lead guitar using a Fender Strat with a Seymour Duncan humbacker on the bridge. Actually the same guitar I am holding in the band photo at the end of the clip which was taken at Caesar's Palace in Vegas 6 months before.
I wrote it in my head one night driving home from work then sat around at home for a few hours with my guitar. We would always get asked to announce Last Call so I thought doing it with a song would be a bit more stylish. Since then I know of one bar in Minnesota who play the Youtube clip on the bar TV to announce Last Call every night to their customers.