The boat is for sale, but thus far, only two young couples were interested, but neither one of them had any money. No money = No Boat!
If the boat doesn't sell before I die, which the way things are going, is not far off, I will leave it to my son to dispose of it in any manner he wishes. At that point, it will not make any difference to me.
I have my portable oxygen system rigged so I can carry it on the boat with me, and I'm adding a new Honda Generator to power the AC system on those hot nights, so I intend to sail the boat when the weather warms up a bit, or until I can no longer physically handle it. I'm also making other modifications that will allow me to raise the main sail from the cockpit and not have to climb on the cabin top to do this job - just to on the safe side. I already have a roller furling system for the jib sail which allows me to deploy and retrieve that sail from the cockpit.
The boat has everything else anyone could ever with for. Here's a link to one of the online advertisements I posted:
Morgan 33 Out Island For Sale, Maryland When I make that first long cruise this spring, I will post some Go Pro vids of the trip.
All the best,