#44623 - 11/06/03 02:25 PM
Re: How many Styles do you really need?
Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 480
Loc: The Plantation, Leesburg, Flor...
Heather, actually this topic has been discussed a few times, usually in response to someone stating they don't need any styles other than the onboard styles. Personally, I prefer options when I compose or record and I will search the net for styles posted for other keyboards and spend months converting them for my use. I don't use a style again once I record with it so it tends to keep my music fresh. I start out with a theme such as gospel, country, Christmas, etc., and then with a song in mind I search for a proper style within a tempo range that fits the song. I seldom use a style to find a song, but it sometimes happens. Once I find a group of styles that are close in tempo to what I require, the hunt begins! I may spend days searching for just the right background, or I may find it right away, and sometimes I have to take a tired out long discarded style and rebuild it to what I want. I like to push the limits when it comes to using different styles for certain types of music, and onboard styles don't give me enough to chose from. For instance, for gospel music players there are only a few styles in that catagory, but one can use ballads, latin styles, country and even rock to do the songs. When you mix it up, you create interesting sounding music. See See Rider calls for a moderate blues tempo, but try it with a country train style and the song takes on a whole new identity. The combinations of different styles with the wide range of instruments available give us the chance to explore the musical universe and never look back! I may never use a lot of the styles in my archives, but I want the option to pick and choose. The fun never ends!! 
#44624 - 11/06/03 02:46 PM
Re: How many Styles do you really need?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Roger, do you actually create complete styles out of these midifiles ( ie all the intro, ending etc parts) or do you just create as many parts as required for the particular song ie 1 intro , 1 ending and as many fills and variations as may be required. ------------------------------------------- I tend to think that maybe when we talk about creating styles, we automatically think we have to create all the parts of the style ie the 4 intro's & endings ( maj & min) the 8 fills, the 4 variations ( which can be daunting task) wheras , all one would really need to do is create an intro & ending for the song and as many fills & variations as one thinks the song requires, (with my limited playing talent I usually only need a couple of variations) hence I've got, what I've always considered, as a heap of unfinished styles ( even though I do use them), wheras I suppose I could be optimistic and think of them as completed song specific styles ( even though some of the parts may still be missing ( strange female logic, (haahaa) let's face it, it's not as if we're trying to create styles commercially, it's just to give a bit of variety to the songs. Thanks guys, the subject is great food for thought. best wishes Rikki Originally posted by RMepstead:
As for me, well I have to have as near the original representation of the sound that I can get so this sometimes means cannibalising midi files to get 4 good variations; an intro; and an ending - why? Roger M
best wishes Rikki 🧸
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