Five stars to the Genos if that cha-cha is the tip of the iceberg of what that machine can do!
I'm curious. How many of you feel the same way regards "fills and breaks?" They ARE part of the presentation of a song and they do enhance that presentation when used creatively.
Regarding 'put stars to the Genos'.
I've never been any Yammie fan, and the years with T4 did not change that much.
Was going to add a PA4, but as it may be a new PA?X 'just around the corner', I went for a OK Genos deal.
Don't regret it a single second, this machine is the best Yammie arranger I ever heard or touched.
It's going to stay, no doubt, but I've desided to add a PA4X at the top just for my own pleasure later on.

Talking about fills, breaks, bridges etc.
Yes, I'm using those, and it's a natural and important part of many songs / performances to give it more live feeling.
(But, I've also heard it being used way too much, and if so, it does not make things any better at all.)
The Yamaha feature 'press 3 keys' and your drums runs solo, is also a nice feature.
Every time fills etc. is a topic, I think about the lovely 'Dynamic Accomp' by Technics, i.e. at KN3000.
But, now Yamaha have got the Revo drums, that in fact make the styles that use it more live and dynamic in a very smooth way.
I'll rate Genos to the top minus one and a half star.
Half star minus because of the high price level and a bit 'plastic fantastic body' that make it feel a sort of 'cheap',
and minus one star because it should always be a 'upper star' as a next goal to reach.
That make the score to 8,5 out of 10. Not bad, is it?