#44959 - 08/18/03 08:32 PM
Re: Easy Record
Senior Member
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Wow, 29 posts, tell me that this is not an important issue to many.
I am going to try and express what is not really been said here. In my post on this topic I said,"Well it's not important".
That is what I have chosen to feel and beleive about the subject. The human part of me is feeling somewhat different. It's saying: 1-I have put in xx hours in ceating my sequence, now I am listening to Joe Smith sequence and it's better. How did he do it. I bet he step timed the music from the orig. score. Maybe it's not his playing. Could he be that good/perfect? I doubt it.
2-These are honest thoughts, their human thoughts. I need to know, how will I ever know how well I'm doing. I think I did that part better than him. 3-I wish to be in the center, to be recognized. I want my share of the spot light.
You can not deny these feelings, their are real. They need to be understood. They are not as bad as they appear to be. They need to be answered. I feel the underlining reason for many of these posts are based on these feelings.
Now that I have let my dark side out let me go back to being a gentleman. Larry's statement of a honer system sounds great. It's all that we have without adding a list of harmfull rules.
Cees is doing a fantastic job. These posts should not add any burdens to what he already has. Let's keep it simple. Let's not create a four page list of rules applying to Easy Record. here's my list: 1-create your sequence using easy record. 2-Then, if you wish you can do some minor editing. Always keepin an honor system in mind. If you need to go much beyond that, you be going beyond, I feel we will lose the purity of Cees Easy Record site. If a note was recorded as Eb when it should have been F#, then correct it, why not. But if you spend a great deal of time editing we all lose. Keep it simple, and keep it simple. 3-I have no opinion on edited sounds, or styles that are not in the keyboard.
For myself, I am going to follow just what Cees is asking for. If I send in a sequence with every bell,whislte, and trick in the keyboard, I will state in clear language what I have done, so that others may benfit.
Sorry if my post was long, I needed to express my feelings on the subject.
I hope everyone is enjoying this forum as much as I do. Have a nice day, John C.
#44960 - 08/18/03 10:02 PM
Re: Easy Record
Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 130
Loc: Alma, Michigan, 48801 USA
Hi Folks: "The oldest posters" thought is this. If most of us could sequence a song like Larry does, with his skill and knowledge, how different would our outlook be on this thread? I know if I could do it like he does, I would be sequencing most of the time. I have always played golf, but if I played like "Tiger" and you wanted to talk to me, hey, you know where to look for me. Great Forum, Great Thread,---------ARJ
#44961 - 08/19/03 01:00 AM
Re: Easy Record
Registered: 05/01/03
Posts: 88
Loc: Birmingham, England
What a super honest thread this has been.
My final view having read everything. ?
Any attitude-theory-judgement of the merits of 'easy record' and all other methods of recording, must surely be based upon 'WHAT THE INDIVIDUAL WANTS FROM HIS MACHINE'. !!!
Whilst nobody doubts that any 'easy recording' which has not been subjected to any editing at all, displays a certain 'playing' ability, it is not to suppose that others, who prefer to do things differently, are in any way inferior players. In fact, quite the reverse might apply. !!
I very rarely do easy record. My reasons for for not doing so, have nothing to do with my playing abilities. My sole reason for having my keyboard, is to get the enjoymant and satisfaction of trying to learn 'arrangement and orchestration'. The 'EASY RECORD FACILITY WILL NOT GIVE ME THIS'. I can only begin to achieve what I want, by using the 16 track sequencer.
By it's very nature, the 'easy record' facility is nothing more than an easy and convenient method of multi-tracking. As such, if un-edited, it most certainly does display the playing abilities of the player.
But, the ability to blend 16 different tracks together, by 'ACTUALLY PLAYING THE NOTES OF AT LEAST 10 OF THE TRACKS' is surely displaying a greater, and just as honest degree of ability.
The ability to record/play a complete song in the composer only, shows an even greater ability. So, there are many facets to the submissions we make. All in the cause of giving us enjoyment and satisfaction.
However, I do agree with others, when they suggest that perhaps an explanation as to 'HOW' a recording was made, might make for a world of better harmony. (no pun intended). - Happy 'Musicating'.
Colin Leaney
#44963 - 08/19/03 04:30 PM
Re: Easy Record
Senior Member
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
This is my last time around.
This WAS NOT Easy Record.
How I recorded,"How deep is your love", from Saturday Night Fever. Bebop sent this song out to all on the lista while back.
1-I purchased the sheet music--Melody line with chords, and right and left hand for piano. 2-After deciding what measure I wanted to start in, I step timed the melody, with all the repeats. 3-I step timed the bass line from the left hand of the piano part. 4-If there were any notes in the right hand of the piano part beside the melody, I step timed them to a different track with a different instrument. Sometimes if there was enough happening I step time a third track,with a different instrument. 5-If there were any notes other than the bass line in the left hand of the piano part, I step timed them to a different track with a different instrument.
With the control and chord track I had a 8 tracks. When the piano player reads and plays the music as it is written, it sounds somewhat like the orgi. recording. The bass line was written for the song, and so are the extra little fill-ins.
Now I have have 8 tracks recorded. I displayed my ability to read music, and my knowledge of the keyboard. I did not play ONE NOTE LIVE. This is not wrong, I was creating, I was getting the feel of the song. I think for ME, I will enclude "How I Did It" if it's not easy record in the future.
John C.
[This message has been edited by bruno123 (edited 08-19-2003).]
#44965 - 08/19/03 04:58 PM
Re: Easy Record
Senior Member
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
[QUOTE]Originally posted by cees: [B]Hi John, up above I had one of my replies, I thought it was the shortest. Only a 'd', now you have a 't'. Only We understand this code, don't we?  Cees Hi Cees, I thought I deleted that post. I was almost finished writing my post when I pressed something, have no idea what, and it went away. Yes, it went away, that is it all went away but the "T" Strange. Cheers, John C.
#44966 - 08/20/03 02:19 AM
Re: Easy Record
Registered: 09/14/02
Posts: 533
Loc: The Netherlands
Hi best Zoners, Accordingly to all those very interesting contributions to this enlightening post I feel the need to made my summary. The songs that I appreciate the most on KESO are made as follows: 1. The keyboardist makes her/his preparation to play a song. This preparations could be: i. Using all the factory settings of the keyboard (in fact: pressing the ‘Easy Record’-button and start playing OR ii. Loading or setting up (self made or collected): a. desired rhythms in the composermemory and/or b. desired sounds in the soundmemory and/or c. desired user effect and/or d. desired user pad and/or e. desired panel memorie registrations and/or f. other desired keyboard settings …. 2. After this ‘preparation’ he pushes the ‘Easy Record’ button and 3. He starts playing. 4. When he is ready he stops the ‘record-stop’ button. 5. END!!!! 6. The new song is born!. Now it can be saved, zipped and send to KESO for placing on the guestplayer’s Personal Page ……. This ‘clarifycation’ will be added on the on KESO-page. Thank you all for the positive way in sharing our thoughts on this subject. I liked it, a big applause worth! Cees 
Cees  Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit http://www.keso.nl