I have made available 3 of my latest Big Band Arrangements for anyone who wants to access the following site and unzip the file onto a floppy and play the 3 songs on your KN6000\6500 machine.
Site is:
http://gabrendale2.home.att.net/LarryGKN6_3in1vol1.zip All you have to do is click on this address and a download screen will appear. It is very important to have the address precisely correct. It is case sensitive. It will work just like the 20 for 1 songs did.
3 in 1 Vol1 songs for the KN6000\6500:
Dancing in the Dark
You�ll Never Know\Bewitched medley
Green Eyes
I use the APC volume slider all the way up and the Main volume slider to your taste.
If you like them I will make some others available from time to time.
Many, many thanks to Bob Hendershot for the use of his site in making these available to all. I have no restrictions to anyone on how you use them.