Thanks for your continuous support.
This is our community and we share a lot together - including KETRON products which although not perfect (and by the way non are) - the one thing we do have is each other and the capability plus opportunity to change and improve on what's not so good.
So ... if there are areas you believe from a product or service or personal ... (or any point of view), we could make better, please let us know not only what it is but what you suggest can be done to make it better. Mistakes may have been made (as is the case with many or all companies) - some corrected, others in progress of being corrected. It's when we fail to at least try that it really becomes a 'problem', but I choose to believe it's because we try that many of you are still with KETRON today. It is indeed a unique product not everyone will feel attracted to and that's why we have many other choices.
Having said that, let's keep growing the KETRON community together, one musician at a time :-)
Again, I thank you all SZ and other non SZ members reading this post for your continuous support. I will relay this to the rest of our team!