Thanks Fran, nice job. When I looked it up to make sure it was Willie that wrote it, I was shocked to see how many people have recorded it; shows the versatility and durability of a good tune. I was wrong about Eddie Vincent though, it was Joe Hinton I was thinking of. Hard to say who did the best version (matter of taste and all) but I tend to like the later 'studio-refined' Willie Nelson version. Everyone knows I'm a big Willie Nelson fan; weird I know, and I'm sure part of it is his image

I didn't mean to put DNJ-like pressure on Don (especially being a non-paying customer

), and I'm not sure what made me think of the tune, but as soon as I did, I just pictured Don doing it. Sure hope he doesn't screw it up (no pressure there

). If anyone else would like to give it a try, that would be nice; I love that tune (I'm eclectic in my taste).