Sorry, Fran for your loss. 4 weeks ago we had to let our Miss Piggy go. An English Bulldog that was given to my Son Drew in 2010. Miss Piggy was loved so much by my Son that he quit Meth, Cocaine and took care of Miss Piggy until Sept 2014 when he succumbed to Esophageal Cancer.
We took Miss Piggy and already had her puppy Gemma that my Son talked me into keeping. The greatest gift I ever received. Now our Gemma walks around not knowing what to do. Everything Miss Piggy did Gemma was on her like white on rice since Sept 2014.
Fran, all of us puppy lovers here really feel your loss, friend.
Edited by brickboo (05/12/18 12:27 PM)
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!