#454180 - 06/30/18 10:51 PM
Diki's post has me re-evaluating everything
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Registered: 10/23/06
Posts: 1661
Loc: USA
Diki could be a "thorn in your side" at times, but I usually learned a lot from his postings. Not just about keyboards, but about peripheral issues too.
I came across a SynthZone post of his from a few years back that I had saved. I first viewed it a few weeks ago. A week later I viewed it again. Then again and again until the penny dropped on what he was saying and how it affected me personally to the point I'm re-evaluating just about EVERYTHING in my life pertaining to playing music.
I already said I've been "burned out" of doing gigs for the last 3-4 years and not working like I used to. Couldn't figure out what's wrong, and why I'm not playing my Pa3x even, and why I'm just playing piano mostly for my own pleasure. And just a lot of things. ONE Diki writing and I'm starting to sober up as to what's actually going on with me and playing music these days.
I'd like to hear some of your comments on how Diki's narrative affects you (if it does). To me it's been a complete game-changer that I've been thinking about for three straight days now.
So.....let me hear what you have to say (if you relate to this) and then I'd like to discuss it further if it has an affect on you like it did me.
DIKI writes:
"One of the things about considering a lifetime in music is, you have to be flexible. That's a whole lifetime you are talking about, in a society that in almost any other industry, a lifetime means radical change. How many businesses are unchanged over a 40-50 year span?
Expecting to be able to do what you enjoyed in your youth, or mid years as you get older, and music changes, tastes change, social life changes is simply unrealistic. The way to survive it all is to not get tied to styles, or forms of presentation. The bottom line is, if making music nowadays doesn't excite you any more, how much of your love of the job is tied to doing what you did as a younger man (or woman!), and how much is tied to making MUSIC? Music changes. It has always changed, always will, and anyone that goes in expecting things to stay the same simply hasn't really learned the lessons of history"
#454183 - 07/01/18 03:30 AM
Re: Diki's post has me re-evaluating everything
[Re: Mark79100]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I can relate to that, and it is true. Donny, for example, has always said to use all the tools at your disposal to present to the audience what they want to hear. While I use many sources to achieve, what I consider, music my audience likes, I consider my self too rooted in the senior's likes to keep up to today's music. Furthermore, I wouldn't if I could. I can, and do modernize my material to be able to please an audience in the "mature" sector. After that, we will all be dead.
As for Diki, I always enjoyed his posts, for the most part, by simply not engaging him in controversy.
Edited by Bernie9 (07/01/18 03:33 AM)
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#454187 - 07/01/18 08:00 AM
Re: Diki's post has me re-evaluating everything
[Re: Mark79100]
Senior Member
Registered: 11/12/08
Posts: 2450
Loc: Bluffton/Hilton Head SC USA
Mark Great post and so true. When practicing piano for all those hours years ago I would never believe I could make more money playing records ( then cassetts, then CD's and now Ipads) on jobs. Just did a Wedding, One hour piano for the cocktail hour and three hours DJ . I'll liked,the piano part LOL ! A constant in the market is solo piano gigs but everything else has evolved maybe not for the better as Mark noticed with the Kareoke show in the park he attended. If we're able to match our skills to appropriate jobs we're lucky and can still enjoy our chosen profession. Ii too enjoy the piano again and use the Arranger whenever I can. Making people happy makes me happy and so it goes.
Bill in SC --- Roland BK9 (2) Roland BK7M, Roland PK5 Pedals, Roland FP90, Roland CM30 (2), JBL Eon Ones (2) JBL 610 Monitor, Behringer Sub, EV mics, Apple iPad (2) Behringer DJ mixer
#454193 - 07/01/18 09:23 AM
Re: Diki's post has me re-evaluating everything
[Re: Mark79100]
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Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
I am one of the very few individuals on this forum that met Diki in person. I don't think I've ever met someone that was unhappier with everything in life than he was. He pretty much disliked everything and everybody. And, while he was a very talented musician, I don't believe he was much of an entertainer. Not sure about this aspect, though, because I never got to see him perform in person, or on you tube as a single act. From my perspective, if you want to survive in this business, first and foremost, you must treat it as a business and run it accordingly. You must be an accountant, tax specialist, bookkeeper, advertising executive, promoter, rodie, web site creator and administrator, etc... But, most of all, you must be a great entertainer. You need to be able to step on that stage, look out there at the people that came to see you, assess that audience, then put on a show that captures their imagination and attention to the point where they are awestruck by every minute of your performance. In order to do this, you must pour your heart and soul into every second of every minute you are on stage. If you have the talent and ability to do this, you will be very successful in the musical entertainment business. If you cannot do this, maybe it's time to take up golf or basket weaving.  Over the past half century I've met hundreds of musicians and entertainers. Of those, less than 10 percent were full time and the vast majority had day jobs in fields they couldn't wait to retire from. Music, for the most part, was just something they did on the weekends to make a few bucks, but when push came to shove, none made enough money to cover their bar tabs. Of those that were full time musician/entertainers, the vast majority didn't have a dime in the bank, no retirement plan, no working capital, drove a junker car that needed constant repairs, and when they were paid in cash, they just shoved the money in their pockets and pissed it away. In the 65 years of my life I spent working, there was only one job that I burned out on - medicine, and that didn't occur until the very last year I worked in the medical field. During the previous 14 years I loved every minute of every day that I worked. I arrived early and left late. What burned me out was when I began taking care of children with cystic fibrosis. No one can imagine what it is like to hold a 5-year old in your arms as it slowly suffocates to death and you cannot do a thing to prevent it. I had to do this nearly every day of the week for that last year. The only reason I no longer am on stage entertaining and playing music is due to health issues that make it impossible. I would absolutely love being back on stage as an entertainer again - it was the best job I could have ever imagined. Mark, to me, from my single personal encounter with Diki, and from reading his many, many posts on this and other forums, I believe Diki is burned out on life itself. I sincerely hope, Mark, that you are not following in Diki's footsteps. Good luck in all your future endeavors, Gary 
Edited by travlin'easy (07/01/18 09:31 AM)
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#454196 - 07/01/18 12:35 PM
Re: Diki's post has me re-evaluating everything
[Re: Mark79100]
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Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
I like Diki, always did. The biggest source of Diki's frustration is that he is considerably smarter than most of the people he encounters, especially in the music field. Is he opinionated? Sure he is. Most smart people are (because their opinions are usually better informed and more accurate than the other guys). One of the things I like about Diki, aside from his intellect (also one of the things I like about DonM), is that I've never heard him brag about anything, his talent, his ability to entertain, his possessions, his past accomplishments. I don't even recall him personally attacking anyone although he WAS willing and able to defend himself when attacked. He has, sadly, sometimes been the victim of a misinterpreted post but that's water under the bridged and he is probably now in a better situation, forum wise.
I'm not really comfortable discussing someone on a public forum, especially when they are unable to respond. I'm sure none of you would want to be spoken of negatively and not be able to respond. One of my biggest disappointments on this forum is that I never had the opportunity to meet Diki in person. JMO.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#454198 - 07/01/18 01:24 PM
Re: Diki's post has me re-evaluating everything
[Re: Mark79100]
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
Chas, one of my goals in life was to meet with as many individuals on this forum as I could. I traveled more than 10,000 miles in this endeavor and I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable times in my life. I've kept in contact with many of these folks, some of whom are no longer active on the forums. There are a lot of wonderful, very talented, individuals here and I urge everyone to take the time to meet up with as many forum members as you can. I learned a lot from each and every one of them, including Diki. Gary 
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#454212 - 07/01/18 07:50 PM
Re: Diki's post has me re-evaluating everything
[Re: Mark79100]
Senior Member
Registered: 11/25/00
Posts: 1211
Loc: Queretaro, Mexico
The only thing I can say, many people choose to see the half empty, others, choose to see the half full......
With the best possible factual information and POSITIVE actitud, has worked well for me, over my 51+ years as an active pro musician.....enjoying music, people, and keeping an open mind to learn new things....and I am still going, not just performing, but assisting in some keyboard developments, now I have some health issues, but, if you have lemons, make lemonade, and enjoy life as much as you can.
My 2 cents.