WOW!!!! after spending a couple hours A/B ing the BK9 and the G70 sounds through identical sound routing... Out of the box , the BK9 has the edge overall..
I am comparing original SMF's without edits played side by side.. I have the BK9 routed thru the G70 inputs and outputted to the same sound system, No mixer..
All mastering tools are off.
The BK9 has additional insert effects that can be used.. I did not check detail as to the modification/changes..
Real time played sounds shine with the BK9, thanks to in part the Super Natural selection..
Now what changes the game in my situation, I use the Studio SRX card in the G70.. this gives me the great drums and bass missing from a stock G70.. Add to this the great EP's Guitars, strings etc.. the G70 comes alive and could be conceived as sounding better than the BK9..
I can see where Diki and others declare the BK9 sounds better then the G70.. a stock G70 , I would agree the BK9 does sound better overall.
I am as happy as pig in slop..
To have two instruments that I don't believe can be matched by Korg or Yamaha... Maybe Genos? Have to wait till I try a Genos. Ketron RAM sounds would give the Roland's a run for the money, but only have about 40 RAM sounds in the SD7,9.
It looks to me that I am going to be a strong supporter of the BK9.
Now I have two discontinued models that I can't part with..