If Ketron could only create the same, along with their audio loops, it would really be something outstanding. Imagine adding Mega Guitars to the SD9 with all it's other features already on board. If I have to choose between Audio and Mega guitars, my choice would lean towards the Mega group. One is too limited with the limited number of audio loops available. Plus, merely changing the effects on the Mega guitars, creates a totally different sound.
As far as value for money goes, the latest Yamaha PSR series would be hard to beat. Most of the best guitar styles above are off the S975, but played on my S770 exactly as is - no modification whatsoever!
My S770 plays everything up to the Tyros 5 as is (without the new human voices off course) and even the Genos styles with not too much modifications. (The only styles on the S975 it cannot play accurately is in the "Plus" category, but I intend to modify these soon.) That means an awe full lot for those who can't always have the latest & greatest.
Make sure you'll fly forever!