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#45644 - 09/29/03 05:42 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
bruno123 Offline
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Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I am puzzled, I feel that this is a good forum, and that a forum of quility should bring as many unbiased facts to it's members. Tim has written a post explaining his frustrations, valid or not. I feel it is our job, cause he is family, to help him with facts, or opinions supported by facts.

My example;
Do you know that I can press any style on the Tyros and have not a factory set up, by that I mean volumes, rt1, rt2, left, tempos, and a few other things that the factory decided was best, but a set up of my own chosing. I can play any style and get me, what I feel, how good can this get. I do not have to search somewhere else to have a second or third instrument sound, it's there waiting for me. And----I have four of these buttons on each style, wow, that's good.

I do have a problem if I want to adjust any of the accomp. instruments. I can't make these changes without a lot of extra work. On the Technocs KN 7000, it's right their in front of me, just below the window. I can adjust the volumes, or even eliminate the sound.

I feel this is the kind of help people are looking for. Once someone said to me, "I'm going to make you love me", I replied, "no you're not, I'll love you for just what you are".
No one has to sell me on my Kn 7000, I hear, I can feel, I love it.

IMHO, it is better to make decisions based on opinions supported by fact, and most of all my own evaluation.

John C.

#45645 - 09/29/03 07:15 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
Uncle Dave Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
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Loc: Penn Yan, NY
You're not losing your mind. You're like a lot of us here ..... a kid in a candy store. There are so many cool features available that it's impossible to assemble them all into one unit. Never happen.
My advise is to play the one you like till you don't like it anymore. If money is not an issue....just sit on the kn as an alternative. Old ties and shoes come back into style ... you may find yourself yearning for a kn -fix later on.

As a full timer, I can't keep too many old dogs in the yard. I need to stay abreast of the newest tools so I can keep my game sharp. It's not a love affair with me ..... it's a case of survival.
I'd love to have just one unit for stage and a duplicate in the studio, but till I get that exact match ...... I experiment.

Experimenting is healthy. It's good...and if you find that the kn isn't keeping up with your expectations ... then play the Yamaha, but don't question your sanity or business sense. These are just tools...nothing more. They are made to SERVE our needs. Play what you like. Life's too short of be unhappy while playing music. Music should MAKE you happy, right?

Go with your heart (and ears) on this matter .... you'll be fine. The companies have no loyalty to the players. Why should we feel bad about changing preferences? They make what we buy. Period. Happiness is derived from the playing we do after the sale.
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#45646 - 09/29/03 07:21 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
Scott Langholff Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA
Hi John

Just so you know, you can easily adjust the accompaniment volumes on the Tyros by pressing the "balance" button at the lower left hand of the screen, and pressing the buttons below up or down. You can also easily turn the different accompaniment parts off or on by pressing the "part" button and then pressing the appropriate button below the sound.


#45647 - 09/29/03 07:24 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
AlexGreen Offline

Registered: 05/07/00
Posts: 187
Loc: Beachwood NJ USA
Hi Tim,

To me the kn7000 is by far better than any other keyboard on the market today. Its SD card system alone leaves its competitors in the dust.

I have had a love affair with Technics keyboards from my first KN1000. I always found it to be the best user friendly keyboard of them all and I have tried a number of others.

I also own a PSR2000 which I play occasionally and have a lot of fun with it.
I feel it is not in the same league as the 7000 but for the price I felt it was a good investment.

I do not know what your financial situation is but if you can "swing" it enjoy the best of two worlds.


#45648 - 09/29/03 08:08 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Scott Langholff:
[B]Hi John

Just so you know, you can easily adjust the accompaniment volumes on the Tyros by pressing the "balance" button at the lower left hand of the screen, and pressing the buttons below up or down. You can also easily turn the different accompaniment parts off or on by pressing the "part" button and then pressing the appropriate button below the sound.

Scott, Thank you. I didn't know about the on and off controls for each accmpaniment part.
Is there any way to modify them?(less volume)

Thanks, John C.

#45649 - 09/29/03 08:12 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
Scott Langholff Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA
Hi John

Re: Volume.

Yes, press the BALANCE button which is right above the PART button just to the left of the Registration Memory buttons.

Then the volume "sliders" show up on the screen. Just adjust the volume with the up, down buttons below the screen.


#45650 - 09/29/03 08:27 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Scott Langholff:
[B]Hi John

Re: Volume.

Yes, press the BALANCE button which is right above the PART button just to the left of the Registration Memory buttons.

Then the volume "sliders" show up on the screen. Just adjust the volume with the up, down buttons below the screen.

Scott, Possibly I'm a little slow. When you press the balance button, doesn't that give you the volume control for the complete style, not the individual parts?

John C.

#45651 - 09/29/03 09:58 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Quote: “Tim has written a post explaining his frustrations, valid or not. I feel it is our job, cause he is family, to help him with facts, or opinions supported by facts”

Quote: “I keep comparing the sounds, the OS, the styles, THE PRICE, and ask myself, "should I even hold on to this piece of overpriced technology?" I prefer to play it the PSR. I prefer to listen to it. I prefer to take it out on my first wedding 'gig' next Saturday. For me it's the best keyboard.

Tim has written a post explaining his frustrations??? If he is having a problem and would ask for help, YES, we are a family that would help him. If he is frustrated by something concerning his KN, then as a man, I would say he should seek help, If he so desires, to alleviate his frustrations. As I read his post he owns both a KN and a PSR. He asks nothing about any of the sounds, the OS or the styles of his KN. Rather he states he has purchased a PSR and in comparing all of the above he prefers his Yamaha in all respects, to his KN. Without any hesitation, he has determined the KN7000 to be a piece of overpriced technology. If this is his opinion, frankly, I don’t have the foggiest idea of why he would ask me to make up his mind for him to hold on to this piece of overpriced crap. According to the poor distracted minister of music, Tim, he states he prefers to play the PSR. He states he prefers to listen to it. He prefers to take it out on his first wedding extravaganza. Last but not least Mr. Distracted finds it not posable to tear himself away from his beloved PSR. Finally he asks me if he is losing his mind. Could be, but I don’t think so. I think Tim, the minister of music, is preaching the gospel of Yamaha and enjoys it, as others on occasion do from time to time. Tim, you ask me to give you a word of encouragement so here go’s. If you love your PSR soooo much, as you say, I would encourage you to spread your gospel of Yamaha in the right church, the ‘Church of the Cheaper’. I have nothing against your gospel, the other church, or you. I, being not like you, am not distracted, am not looking for somebody to make up my mind and am not loosing it. I have chosen this technics forum to seek help in connection with my KN keyboard. To help folks with the same, if and when I can. Also I love to serve up a bit of humor to trigger a smile here and there if I can. A smile is good for the health. I find no humor or reason to listen to a distracted minister of music telling me that my keyboard has inferior sounds, rotten operating system, crappie styles and is a piece of overpriced technology. Of course you have a right to do what you do and post where you post and think like you think. I also have these same rights, to date, and am expressing them as I also please. I believe attitude, the way you look at things, is very important in forming one’s life. If you like Yamaha more than technics, then by all means enjoy it. If you buy something that you consider overpriced, too bad. Remember the old proverb, you fool me once, shame on you, you fool me twice, shame on me. The attitude of coming to me and telling me the choice of keyboard I made and the price I was willing to pay, in your estimation, was poor. It stinks! Yes I mean stinks!! If you are a minister of christian music I think you have some maturing to do. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. As I said before, folks on this forum who have bought a Yamaha product after they have owned a Technics do not go on the other forum denigrating the other guys stuff. Would you like it?? Rather, as John C. says, enjoy the benefits of each for none is perfect in all respects. No need for a negative attitude.

If anybody thinks I am screwed up in my thinking on this subject, feel free to express yourself. As no keyboard has everything and has it put together just right so no man, in all of mankind, has exceeded these specs. Finding and arranging words to express ones thoughts is even harder than creating a perfect keyboard. I have again expressed my thoughts on this subject. The posting of these kinds of threads has absolutely no benefit to anyone or is of any help or encouragement for the people on this forum. I am not saying they do nothing. One thing that they do do with their dodo, is give an insight into the person that creates them. I think a person should say what he means and mean what he says. With that I will say, thanks for the listen.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug

#45652 - 09/29/03 11:14 AM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Hi Grandpa Doug, I read your letter though a few times, it does show wisdom in many areas. I without any exceptions accept your point of view on the different subjects.

Now I would like to express mine, which are not necessarly a contradition to yours.

I have no idea of Tim's age or maturity, but I felt just as he did when I recieved the Tyros. No, I would not have posted what I felt, but I can understand what Tim was felt. Should he have written what he did? Why not, it was what he was feeling. Was it an error??? Like in all things, we can fall or error on a subject, but as long as we learn and do not repeat, all is fine.
If I give that some thought, I think that's what God has said in His good book. When I try to understand the other persons reasons and emotions, I can trully give my opinion, rmembering it is only my opinion.

As to what is good for this forum, again this is my opinion, To be open and honest, giving your opinions with the sincere thought of helping the next person.

I would like to talk about the short commings
of my KN7000, without feeling I have done something. I would like the makers of my keyboard to know about what I feel. I would hope that it would possiblly have some influence.

I also feel it is healthy to talk about the good points, which there are so many. Never putting the product down, but talking about all aspect of the keyboard. I have some negative about my keyboard, who shall I talk to about them, if not here where?

I became angry easily, does that mean that I am not a good person. --- There are many parts of me, one is the anger, the others I could fill a page with. And so it goes with my fantastic Technics KN7000.

Wow, wouldn't the world be a boring place if we were all the same.

Granpa Doug I do appreciate you
and your posts, John C.

#45653 - 09/29/03 12:02 PM Re: Help me...I don't want to hate my KN700 !
Scott Langholff Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA
Hi JohnC

I just wanted to say I enjoy your posts, your philosophy on good ways to handle things always taking into account the other person from a positive viewpoint. By your responses I think you would have made a good diplomat.

I am grateful for your kind and helpful attitude and respect your comments and ideas.


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