Originally posted by Bill Norrie:
The Theramin was also used on The Beach Boys' recording of Good Vibrations. I built one of these devices way back in the 60's when analogue synths were just starting to appear.
presumably with valves, Willum? The heterodyne principle was discovered by the radio pioneers, but Theremin thought of using the resulting beats to get audio frequencies. You had one hand for volume and one for pitch I seem to remember, so by waving hands you could get tremolo and vibrato.
I always thought the problem was one of sine waves, and the relative blandness of the sound compared to the overtone rich sound we are used to from acoustic instruments. Thus the resulting incredible skill required to hit a pure note on perfect pitch, since the slightest shift either side would give a swooning effect that soon tired the ears, and that is why it was so difficult to play. The instrument was the king of portamento!