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#45792 - 08/10/02 05:00 AM Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Albertg Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 01/18/02
Posts: 13
Hi all,
I have the song 'Calypso' performed by John Denver in a 3/4 measure on music sheet but on the KN6500 ther seems to be no matching style. I have tried several but none seems to match. Any-one of you who has a better style?




#45793 - 08/10/02 08:40 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Uncle Dave Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
I no longer have a kn series, but check the 6/8 beats. I seem to remember a kind of guitar-strummy thing that might work. You may find a pattern by turning off all the acc parts and just listening to the raw drum and bass first. That's the core of the arrangement. Wish I could remember that style, hmmmmmm.
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#45794 - 08/10/02 12:07 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Graham UK Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/20/01
Posts: 1925
Loc: Lincolnshire UK
UD...Its called a senior moment...We all have them after 60 years. HA!!!

Graham UK

#45795 - 08/11/02 01:48 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
I no longer have a kn series. Wish I could remember that style, hmmmmmm.


I don't ever remember you saying that you had played a KN6500.
I was always under the impression that they were in short supply in your area.

[This message has been edited by Johnnie.c (edited 08-12-2002).]

#45796 - 08/11/02 05:28 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Uncle Dave Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Oh yes, I had a kn6500 when it first came out. I also had two kn5000's over the years, but they were just passing fancies that I traded ..... never intended to play them. I gave the 6500 a good run though. Back then, the terrible mic input and the chord recognition mode was the biggest drawback for me. I was impressed with alot of other things though. You know me .......
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#45797 - 08/11/02 05:52 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
What was this supposed problem with the chord recognition mode on the KN6500??

#45798 - 08/11/02 06:42 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Marilyn Boissoneault Offline

Registered: 06/07/00
Posts: 219
Loc: Melbourne, Florida, USA
Uncle Dave, what a shock. I know you try out lot's of keyboards but I thought you really never cared for Technic's. Now I find you've have a few of those two!

Maybe the KN7000 is the perfect keyboard you've been searching least for a few weeks!


[This message has been edited by Marilyn Boissoneault (edited 08-11-2002).]

#45799 - 08/11/02 05:08 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
peter castanos Offline

Registered: 11/25/99
Posts: 59
Loc: sydney australia
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
What was this supposed problem with the chord recognition mode on the KN6500??

Well spotted Alec!

#45800 - 08/11/02 09:29 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Uncle Dave Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
No problem - just a weird "simple" fingering mode like Yamaha has too.

In one finger mode, since I switch between auto and manual bass alot - I like to hear a major chord.(OK so far)
When I need a minor chord, I want to add the minor third of the chord, and NOT some "made up" one black key to the left type of system. I have a theory background and I KNOW the notes ... I just want to play them as simple as possible whenever I can.

The Ketron, Korg & Roland companies all handle the one finger mode the way I like. For dim or aug chords .... you hane no choice but to use three fingers or more, and that's OK .... I just want easy when I can get it. It's not a design flaw .... just a weird, UNmusical design that violates all I learned about chord construction and harmonization!

"C" and "Eb" should be a C min, NOT an "Eb7" !!!!!!!!!(or whatever it comes up as...)
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#45801 - 08/12/02 02:51 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
never heard of anyone playing single finger chords on this kind of keyboard except until getting the hang of fingered.

C and Eb is C minor in single finger mode, you just use the Eb below the C!

#45802 - 08/12/02 07:31 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Uncle Dave Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Sorry ... that just makes no sense to me. Anyway .... I have no intention of learning a new way to play - I'm very comfortable right now. The auto stuff is a small part of my style, so I will use the single finger method, and play my bass lines, and work my butt off ..... same as always !

Holding chords down with the left hand is not something that interrests me .... I'd rather play bass anyday, but when I DO have to trigger chords .... I want it easy....and logical!

There is no secret that the arranger keyboard makers did not have ME in mind when they designed these instruments ! Stil ..... I'm searching for a better "fit". I need good toys ...... and I need them often. It keeps me amused, and when I'M amused .... I can be more entertaining. !
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#45803 - 08/12/02 08:32 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
[B]Sorry ... that just makes no sense to me. Anyway .... I have no intention of learning a new way to play

It makes sense to me & confirms just what I thought in the first place.
I doubt that you have even seen a KN6500 let alone played one

We all play our machines differently & at different levels but we don't all have to pretend that we know everything about everything sometimes we have to keep on in there & continue learning that's no disgrace

[This message has been edited by Johnnie.c (edited 08-12-2002).]

#45804 - 08/12/02 09:50 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Nobby Offline

Registered: 09/17/00
Posts: 707
Loc: Palmyra Mo. U.S.A.
Would you please edit your first post in this thread!
You keep putting those long lines of: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'s and it stretches the posts so much and makes them hard to read!
Whenever you put long web addresses or any line that dosn't have breaks in it it will strecth the post!
Just click on edit above your post. Then use
back Space and remove about half of them.
Then re-enter it. All these posts will come back inside the box.


#45805 - 08/12/02 10:23 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4334
Loc: Norway
Nobby, the "stretching" you're talking about I did see earlier, some months ago, before I updated my IE from v.5 to v.6.
This thread looks just fine to me, no such stretch to see at all.
Kind regards
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#45806 - 08/12/02 10:49 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nobby:

Would you please edit your first post in this thread!


I am sorry that you are having a problem reading my post but everthing seems perfectly ok on my browser

I only use the line you refer to as a separation between quote & reply

#45807 - 08/12/02 11:35 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Nobby Offline

Registered: 09/17/00
Posts: 707
Loc: Palmyra Mo. U.S.A.
It would be fine to use the +++++'s
But why put them all the way across the box.
I looked at the box where you typed them and there was a line and 1/2 of +++'s!
I know that I'm not the only one on this forum that has problems with this!

Gunnar Jonny,
How would I go about updateing my IE from
V.5 to V.6 ?


[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 08-12-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 08-12-2002).]

#45808 - 08/12/02 11:43 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4334
Loc: Norway
Originally posted by Nobby:
Gunnar Jonny,
How would I go about updateing my IE from
V.5 to V.6 ?

Hi Nobby

Many PC magazines have those updates on a
addon CD for free, but it is also possible
to dowload by use of the Widows Update in
your Start menu if you're using Window OS.
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#45809 - 08/12/02 11:55 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
What resolution are you running at? 800X600 maybe

My browser is I.E.6.0
Resolution is 1024X768

you can download I.E.6.0 here

Everything:- all posts sit in the box perfect

I am sorry you still have trouble I am afraid it is out of my control
The ++++ you refer to never go right across the page normally only half of the box

#45810 - 08/12/02 05:16 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Nobby Offline

Registered: 09/17/00
Posts: 707
Loc: Palmyra Mo. U.S.A.
Hi Johnnie,
Now I can read the whole line without draging it back & forth, It's still streched a little but I can see it all.
I'm going to update my IE but I want Update
Windows first.
Thank you guys for putting up with me!
All the best,


[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 08-12-2002).]

#45811 - 08/12/02 08:21 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Johnnie C.. I can confirm that Uncle Dave did have a KN6500 for a week or two.. I even got a chance to fool with in for a day.. I too found it not to meet my needs. I didn't care for the drums, and most of the other sounds were just okay for my taste.. By the way I play with full left hand chords[ comes naturally]...but when I play left hand bass, I can't keep up with Dave..Dave may be odd to some of you.but a liar, he is not...matter of fact he is abruptly truthful[outspoken]...

#45812 - 08/12/02 11:19 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Uncle Dave Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Thanx for the support. Yes - I did own a kn6500. Why would you think I made that up? I was correct in every assessment, as it pertains to me. The fingering mode works just as I stated.

I think the 7000 may be interresting, but if the fingering mode has not been changed .... I can't use one.

BTW - DanO is NOT the source I have for kn7000's. Some of you have been asking around. I have NO affilation with Piano Man of Baltimore except for being a customer.
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#45813 - 08/13/02 03:24 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fran Carango:
[B]Johnnie C.. I can confirm that Uncle Dave did have a KN6500 for a week or two..
OK then, UD had a 6500 for all of nearly 2 weeks, 2 years ago

#45814 - 08/13/02 07:52 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Sometimes, that is all the time we need, especially if we are not novices, and know what we are looking for.Personally I only need a day to decide if it works for me..We are not looking for someone to marry, just a keyboard to meet our needs. This is highly opinionated...

#45815 - 08/13/02 08:16 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
DonM Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
The Technics single-finger mode DOES work as Dave described, the same as Yamaha. Korg, and Roland method is more musically correct. I don't use the single finger mode, so it doesn't matter to me.
I got away from Technics because of the useless mic input and vocal harmony, plus the fact that they offer only a proprietary hard drive option that makes it several times too expensive.
Maybe the 7000 will address these issues. If not, the other companies already have.
Back to the topic--if you could find a midi file of the song, wouldn't it be very easy to use the internal converter to create your own style? I know the KN5000 did this, but I only played the 6K very briefly.

#45816 - 08/13/02 10:19 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
ogre Offline

Registered: 01/18/02
Posts: 242
Loc: UK
Back to a couple of points made by Alec re APC.

When I first bought my 6000 around Nov,1999,
chord changes were slow but this was largely corrected by (I think) V4 - although it's still not as good as previous keyboards owned including the 3000 which was faultless in this respect.

Listen to Frank Bez. All his work is done by single finger chords and is pretty impressive despite that.


#45817 - 08/13/02 04:46 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Bud Whipple Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 480
Loc: The Plantation, Leesburg, Flor...
I also use one finger chords. My old Lowery organ dealer got me into that years ago as a way to free up fingers to do changes. It's an easy way to play that drives my pianist sister crazy, but I find it useful if I don't want to program all the musical changes into Panel Memory and rely on flying fingers instead. Whatever suits one's style is just fine, don't you think?

#45818 - 08/14/02 03:02 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Sometimes, that is all the time we need, especially if we are not novices, and know what we are looking for.Personally I only need a day to decide if it works for me..We are not looking for someone to marry, just a keyboard to meet our needs. This is highly opinionated...

Oh! right then I see.So you had the use of a KN6500 for nearly the whole of one day, two years ago.
I suggest that if you do decide to look for someone to marry be sure you give them more than one days trail.

#45819 - 08/14/02 05:20 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Derek Ladkin Offline

Registered: 02/11/01
Posts: 63
Loc: United Kingdom
I have a confession to make guys.
It was some years ago at a multi-instrument show when I was about to get hitched to a new Yamaha 6000 and I walked into the next room and saw this lovely little Technics number in black and flashing led's. I was a gonner. It was love at first sight ! I picked her up and she was mine for ever (I thought) until along came her big sister with a technicolour screen sporting a 5 before her three big O's.I had to confess to my little 3000 and we parted. This was it for life with Fifi 5000.... that was until the silver sheathed number with the pretty uplift to her screen came on the scene. One Demo and I was hers.I gave her two extra cards to show my affection and to prove my undying love but I've glimpsed another beauty about with a full uplift and an aura of blue surrounds her.I've noticed a new stirring in my (chest). I put it down to the Seven Year Itch ! I think my chat up line will be "My other keyboards don't understand me" (but hope she does !)
Wish me luck.

#45820 - 08/15/02 02:48 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Great Post Derek Loved it - we've been along similar paths again !


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#45821 - 08/15/02 08:17 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA

Fickle is what you are.
Fickle is what you are in the eyes of Fifi.
Derek Lad, kin to being fickle with all his little beauties.

Now look what you have done. You have led others down the path of fickleness. Poor Bill. Oh, poor ‘Willum the Fickle’ is what they will call him. Derek, I think you are spreading some kind of virus among us. I think it might be the Fickle finger of Love virus. Oh No! Why did you infect an old man like me? Don’t you realize old folks have weak immune systems. I think I’m coming down with a bad case of the fickles and don’t have the strength to overcome it. Ruthie says they are coming out with an antidote for that terrible itch in my chest. Don’t suffer with seven years of itch just go to the store and buy a box of seven thousand. These wonder drugs are expensive, but what the heck, if they work what’s the difference?

I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. I guess it goes along the lines of the old saying -
It’s better to fart and live in shame than not to fart and die in pain.

Derek, you got the kind of humor that turns me on.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug

#45822 - 08/15/02 08:31 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Dan Hanson Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 32
Loc: Sumterville, Fl. USA
Good post Derek! It appears that "our" lady of the blue aura is reluctant to disclose any of her secrets. Could it be that the grass is not necessarily greener and maybe little sister isn't so bad after all?


#45823 - 08/15/02 02:58 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Only thing I can't resist is Temptation especially with mistresses like the following :
KN800,KN1000,KN2000,KN3000,KN5000,KN6000 - all were treated with TLC and then shamefully discarded The new love of my life should be making her appearance very soon, I'm just waiting for a telephone call and I will rush to her side, bring her home, remove all her outer clothing and run my fingers all over her............OOOOOOOOO !!


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#45824 - 08/15/02 03:53 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Derek Ladkin Offline

Registered: 02/11/01
Posts: 63
Loc: United Kingdom
Quick Gramps, Send Willum some of your tablets and wisetalk I think he has Chronic Fickleitis. Calm him down before he goes into Diminished seventh heaven.

Dan could probably add a line or to, to help

As for you Bill, what is going on ? I have a date with her on 24th Sept.and Technics are sending a chaperone ( they know my reputation )to demonstrate her capabilities
and check that everything is above board.
What is she upto with you ?
Have at you sir ! This calls for semi-quavers at 120 measures ! Name your second.

Is she 2/4 timing us ? Perhaps after all this, one of us will find she has a 3/4 backing for Albert's "Calypso" which started all this

#45825 - 08/16/02 06:04 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Dan Hanson Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 32
Loc: Sumterville, Fl. USA
Ah, temptation…….Willum, I think you should proceed with caution. After all we are dealing with the “Devil With The Blue Dress On” here. If revelations from her Kama Sutra of joy is any indication, her appearance is still somewhere in the very distant future. I sincerely hope you don’t have to be satisfied with catching a glimpse of her as Derek, “our lady”, and the chaperone pass by.


#45826 - 08/16/02 07:36 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
..... what interesting 'threads' we weave .... of course, Albert is NO closer to the Calypso style he wanted ......
t. .....
t. cool

#45827 - 08/16/02 08:38 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Poor Albert
Grampa Doug

#45828 - 08/16/02 09:20 AM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4334
Loc: Norway
Originally posted by tony mads usa:..... what interesting 'threads' we weave .... of course, Albert is NO closer to the Calypso style he wanted...

Never say never, but I think he is
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#45829 - 08/16/02 12:12 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Well Guys in 5 days time she will be here all dressed up & shining bright she goes by the name of KN & I can call her on seven zero zero zero she will be mine to play with as I please & I will be tickling her keys & fondling her buttons & she will be cooing with lovely sweet sounds
& hey she may well even have a calypso bouncing around inside her

#45830 - 08/16/02 12:18 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Poor Albert, I think it’s about time we did something about Albert’s dilemma. I don’t know about you guys but I don’t think I ever seen anything go astray as much as this thread. After all fellows, all Al asked was - Anyone of you who has a better style? - I’ve got to admit I’ve seen some cool writing styles and thoughts being presented not to leave out the extraordinary explosion of humor that must have been trapped in all of you. It tickles me to see the light side of you guys shining like the sun at noonday. Refreshing to say the least! But come on, poor Albert! Seems like none of us has the kind of style Al wants. Let’s swallow our pride and ask for outside help. Yes, I said outside help if we must. I only say this because I realize what state your minds are in. I know this ficklelites plague is going to take a few more weeks to cure so let’s plead this case to a person who already has taken the seven thousandth pill of relief. More than likely the only person who at this point has a brain that can think straight is, and you guessed it, ALEC. Alec for the sake of us who can’t keep our minds focused, who are being led astray by this tempting little songstress, with an aura of blue, help us to find a style for good old Al. If not a style than at least something to cheer him up. For heavens sake thirty eight posts and nary a one to help good old Al. As was once said A friend in need is a friend indeed, or something like that, can’t think straight. If that darned old tec mag would show up maybe I could get some relief. Meanwhile Alec, we are counting on you to fill in the gap as you always do. And I might add, quite adequately. Wouldn’t it be nice to close out this thread with an answered question.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug

#45831 - 08/16/02 12:59 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Hey Derek! I thought you were my friend What's all this about a date with my Kay Enna on the 24th Sept. She will be mine in a few days (I hope) and I have been assured by her guardian, that she will be 100% faithful to me. I feel sure that she must have an identical Twin Sister and this what is causing the confusion
This being the case, I think I will decline your invitation for confrontation at dawn, so hang up your semi-quavers and dust off your minums.
As for Albert's Calypso - t'would seem that help has winged it's way from the Norwegian Fjords.
'...Come Mister Tallyman, tally me banana, daylight come and he wanna go home


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#45832 - 08/16/02 01:22 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
I'm sure I can find a calypso somewhere... whether it is 3/4 time I don't know...

#45833 - 08/16/02 01:47 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
according to my pocket pc, there is a calypso carol, a caribbean band, and a caribbean. The caribbean will be available on the free technics download page in some weeks time if you are prepared to be patient.

In order of quality there are two caribes from the Ketron X1, a carib from the VA7, a carib from the Yamaha 9000 and a cariba from the KN800. I'm sure there must be others under other 'world' style names.

What sort of style is required?

#45834 - 08/16/02 02:58 PM Re: Style wanted for Calypso (John Denver)
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4334
Loc: Norway
It's a 6/8 kind of style, and I think maybe
Albert found one in his mailbox?
You'll never know these days
Happy playing.
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

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