I was just wondering why are WERSI demo's boring? or is it me?
It wasnt boring..
It was actually quite interesting
I was standing behind Thimo, and he explained what he did
And allowed everyone to ask questions
While there where other instruments available for customers yo jam away with headsets
I got quite some interesting answers...
- there where sold less then 50 oas. Pianos and expanders, thats why we will not see oax ones
- you can not have weighted hammeraction keys in the lower keybed, it just doesnt fit,,
- the owner of wersi Netherlands uses a ketron sd40 in combination with his wersi organ, as ketron styles and drums still blow away any other brand including the genos
- there will be support for yamaha genos stylesin a paid unlock expansion
- how easy it is to add more sounds tp a manual
- there is no way to assign parameters other then the standard to the sliders/drawbars
And much much more
With. Thius level of interaction between customers and thimo who is not only demoing but also part of the developmen team, how can that be boring?
Did you ever visit a wersi demo?