So funny that in all these years AJ would not never bother to answer this specific question about his own voices - and I have posted it over here on numerous occasions before...
I cannot find a way direct on the Audya to edit these RAM INS voices. And yes, some DO play in the wrong octave if you want to assign them direct to styles like i.e. all the AJAMSONIC guitar voices.
With non-Audya styles, you can scale the style voices in 3rd party programs. However, the moment the Audya so much as touches a style, it can no longer be opened by those programs (none of those can handle an Audya style) and Ketron's Style Compiler does not have the option to scale style voices.
So I'm stuck with the most awesome guitar voices that cannot be assigned to any onboard style part as is. They are useful for nothing apart for assigning it to the right hand voices which is not what I intend to use them for.
I have always stated that Ketron arrangers cannot be equalled for realism, but it is small things like the above that takes the joy out of using it to create something to my specific liking...
Make sure you'll fly forever!