SamAsh visit
I had some time to waste.. and that is exactly what I did.. waste time.
I stop in Sam Ash music once in a while , to wonder why they don't keep up
with the keyboards on display..
They surprised me a bit today..they actually had a few new keyboards..
I spent some time with a used TYros5 , 76 keys.. They wanted 3k..
Confirmed why there has been no Tyros in my possession..
I believe the Integra7 has spoiled me in the sound department..
Tyros 5 didn't impress me at all.. Even the sounds I use to think were great ,
like the concert guitar, were average..
None of the sounds seem realistic when played..
SuperNatural Integra7 sounds are very realistic when played..
I tried the Medeli keyboards.... Let me say the Tyros5 sitting above the displayed Medeli
keyboard.. helped the Tyros sound great..
Medeli is a cheap keyboard that appears to be made a little better than other low priced boards.
Not anything I have an interest in..
I tried the new Yamaha MODX line.. Bachus posted with very good comments.
Not bad and more reasonably priced than other Yamaha entries.
But I must be missing something, just as I did not care for the overpriced Montage..
I did not care that much for the MODX.
Sounds did not impress me.. In fact I like the Roland FA07 better all around..
Then I spent some time, mostly looking at the Korg PA1000.. Ugly, and the key action
was surprisingly poorer then I remembered on Uncle Dave's.
Of all the keyboards I looked at today, the MODX has the only shot of being in my stable..
That being said.. I can't think of anything that would replace what I have..
Integra7 with SuperNatural sounds.. unbeatable.
BK9 sound and features.. hard to beat..
G70, nothing to replace what it does for me.
SD1000 the Ketron sound that sounds great, maybe not in SuperNatural world.