Due to a deadline job in Louisville, I missed Tom's visit to family last week-end. Didn't get the phone message until this morning, actually.
From Friday at noon until 5:30 PM yesterday, I was locked in a room in Louisville finishing a deadline film score and edit for a long-time client. Came back to Lexington or my gig, but turned around and got right back at it after the job(s) was over. Got back last night and went right back to the gig.
Really enjoyed seeing Tom's family members a few years ago, and the others here who came through Lexington. The private club I work (not for long-they are pretty still-lipped) frowns on non-member visits, so we may have had to visit at my home or at another establishment.
Anyone who goes up or down I-75, please five me a "heads up".
Can usually re-arrange things to allow a nice visit.
I'd really enjoy that.
Be well, all,