Hello all my Aussie and New Zealand buddies from the other side of the world! I didn't realize so many of you were from there, just reading your posts and getting more familiar with your names on the Forum. Anyway, I,too, have a KN 6500 and I LOVE it! I am a very amateur player/musician--cannot sight read music but play mostly by ear. I am now studying some music theory with a local organ group and learning so much about chord formation, etc., the things I do by ear and never knew why I was doing it! I compose a lot of pop songs (both music and lyrics)--(the Frank Sinatra/Rosemary Clooney, etc. 40's and 50's era type of REAL music--not the noise that passes for "music" with today's young people--hope I am not offending any of you who may be youngsters here on the Forum!!) Anyway, Jean, what is the music writing group that gave you a test? (Just curious!) I echo the sentiments that the 20 for 1 songs have been wonderful. (I did contribute one to Vol. 7, I believe, Jerome Kern's "They Didn't Believe Me"). What I especially like is that, after thoroughly enjoying the music, you can turn off the "Play" button and the registrations remain and then I can use them to compose or play other songs. What fun! Didn't mean to be so verbose but you seem like friends that are so easy to chat with and we DO have this wonderful music in common at least. Thanks for listening, Forum buddies from everywhere! (By the way, I a retired University professor in Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., speak, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and now Technicsese (somewhat!
). Gotta run. Keep up the great Forum posts!
Ted Rose