I've played a WS2 as a 'couple of days' test, probably back in the 90's sometime...
Sadly for GEM, I had a KN beside it, and excuse me for say so, but at that time GEM did sound quite 'Casioish' compared to the KN.
Never had the chance to try Genesys, but as far as I remember, itwas many good comments about it.
I've also heard, or maybe read, that there was a connection between Gem and Ketron.
Looking at Genesys design, lot of similiarity to SD buttons, layout and so on. Screen look a bit Audya?
Btw, button also placed very similiar as Korg.... Guess they all are Italian?
Edited by Gunnar Jonny (11/13/18 05:37 AM)
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)