i find it incredible that serious musicians recommend a set of computer speakers to listen to music, these sets are made to play games and videos on your computer not to display a well-defined sound that you can produce with the current instruments.
Good speakers are a major investment, but you have a lot of fun for a long time.
I agree with everything you said. But....
......speaking in practical terms, the days of finding top-quality anything these days is over. You have to settle for what you can get and hope it fits your needs. A lot of us have been playing long enough to understand...shopping in a fully stocked music store and trying out the different products has gone out with land-line phones.
In the case of speakers, I'd be happy if I can even get these Logitechs I decided to buy. They don't stock them in the stores, I'm going to have to order them and hope they sound decent and I don’t have to waste time in returning them.
Then there's the "too much...too many...too confusing" scene. I went into Sam Ash last year intent on listening to monitor speakers for my every day listening sound system. Wasted hours because they must have had over a dozen monitors on demo. In the end, I couldn't hear a difference in any of them. Now I jump from the frying pan into the fire. I went to the pro instrument speakers dept (JBL, EV, etc) and listened to them. I could hear the difference this time, but whatever you buy is going to sound different with your keyboard and on the job (different rooms, number of people you're playing to, etc.). That translates to more futile hours looking for the "Holy Grail" of professional performance speakers.
Right now I'm trying to find comfortable shoes. I've been wearing SAS Time Out's for 20 years now. They're almost $200 a pair (most waiters wear them). SAS stopped making them and I've been spending hours going from store to store looking for TOTL shoes. to replace them. More time I don’t have! At this point, I'd be content to just have shoes with soles. Never mind TOTL shoes.
You could easily spend whatever days you have left searching for the perfect "anything." But manufacturers and retail stores and consumers now work around the Internet. You shop on line, you buy online, you return the goods online, and in between you spend more time figuring out if the credit card numbers are correct when the statement comes!
Coming back to your point. Again.....I agree. with your comments. However, I used to be a perfectionist with whatever I needed. Nowadays, I’m reformed…..I’m happy to have something that just works, like generic speakers.” Just not enough time to shop for the best of the best anymore.