Maybe it would be a good idea to clarify the situation in a negative post like that. There was no indication that Eli emailed you. So it appeared like you were talking negative about him for no reason. Even though he emailed you asking. I guess when someone emails someone to ask something, the answer "no" shouldn't be posted on a forum with no explanation to others, But emailed back to him with the reply button. Unless one wants everyone to know the negative situation as to embarrass the person. It seems to me like a lot more work to come here and choose a spot to place the reply than to hit the reply button and say no you can't. But then again everyone wouldn't see that he asked for your stuff that way! Making a public spectical out of someone is not the purpose of this forum! If someone asks on the forum that's one thing. But it was emailed in private. No need to post what he said in an email here. making someone look bad doesn't make yourself look better. In this case "in my opinion, it made you look worse than Eli. I have been known to share things I paid lots of money for. Just because I worked hard for it don't mean I have to make sure others do also. If everyone was like that than nothing in this world would be free. Maybe not even this great forum. We would have to pay to be a member here. It is not what someone says he would give that makes him a giver. It is what he DOES give that does.
Sorry for my own negative post, but it doesn't make me happy to see such a thing go on here. I am sure others agree with me here. There was no need to make that public to all the other members. But now that it was made public it is public now. And so now that others do not agree with it, it gets comments like this. Email reply would have stopped this from happening.