Man, I don't envy you. I personally am a complete woose when it comes to pain. Old age doesn't help a bit. I have been having prostate problems for some time so at the wife's insistence i went to the doctor. First thing is he wanted to do a scope and look at it from the inside. Was assured that it was not painful. Just a little discomfort. Boy was that a lie! On a scale of 1 to 10 it was a 12! Well, the inside was all infected and they needed to scrape the inside clean. This was to clear up the problem. Again, small discomfort that turned into level 12 pain when I came to. Almost a year later and I still have problems wetting my pants. My wife has had major problems with her back for years. She has had operations on her back and neck. She almost didn't make it after the back operation at Kansas State. After that, she said never again. Well 3 weeks ago she was back in the hospital doing a back operation. Seems the nerves have gotten twisted up around the spinal cord or something and of course she is in constant pain. With the elimination of pain medicine she opted for another operation. When she came out of operation she had lost all use of her lower body. Can't walk. She's been in the hospital for 3 weeks this time and they are planning on sending her home next Tuesday. She's been in therapy and is able to finally use a walker. Has been able to go 50 feet with assistance and still in lots of pain. They say she can go to a NH but she refuses. So we're looking at home health care and therapy when she gets home. I also have back trouble. I can't walk to the mailbox and back without severe pain. Once I sit down I get relief but it means I'm sitting ALL the time. I'm sure some Doc is going to recommend an operation. I will fight it to the end. I would rather have to sit on my butt for the rest of my life than go through what I have seen my wife go through these last few years. Quite frankly I am waiting for the state to get there act together and open up the dispensary's we voted to allow. I have some arthritis or tendanitis in my hands and have found the only thing to help is cbd and I hope that marijuana will help with the back pain when I am able to get it. I tried some a while back but can't handle smoking it so will wait for it to be offered in a pill form of some sort.
I know this post is a total negative take on operations and I don't mean to discourage you. I really do hope you all the best. I know that there have been those that get relief from the operation. I pray that that will be the case for you.
PSR 740,PSR 3000, Mirage, tx7, mp32, Pro Tools 10,11 SONAR, Reaper, BIAB 2020 and a pile of Computer Music mags w/disks
College student was working on Doctoral, Education Now just doing courses to do courses