#46811 - 09/21/02 02:25 PM
Re: KN7000 First Impressions
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Re: Taping over keyboard logos: I've NEVER used duct tape on any of my keyboards (including the KN5000). I covered up the Technics name on my KN5000 (with my own 'name-logo' sticker, NOT duct tape) only because the club owner I was working for at the time, insisted on it because he felt that Technics didn't have the keyboard name brand recognition (according to him) that Yamaha, Roland, and Korg had. He may have been wrong in his reasoning, but I needed that job (steady work) so agreed to paste my own logo name sticker over the Technics name. In the end though, I must admit having my logo sticker appear on the keyboard (side facing the audience) ended up being a good marketing tool. Afterall, Technics doesn't pay me for promoting their keyboard, so why not promote myself instead. On the subject of duct tape: Believe it or not, I've actually attended several big name concerts where the keyboard logo & name was actually covered with 'duct' tape.  I assume that the artists may have been protesting the FREE promotion the keyboard brand manufacters get when their keyboards appear on stage, yet the artist not compensated. I rest my case. . . with duct tape over my lips. 
#46817 - 09/22/02 08:20 PM
Re: KN7000 First Impressions
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Hay, you guys and gals are getting close.
Quote: “A PRO player can't admit to liking a "lowly" home player instrument. Funny I stupidly bought a Roland VA7 as a second keyboard. (Now trying to sell it) I hear them brag on the wonderful sounds while knocking the KN sounds. I hear the opposite myself.”
Marilyn, nothing wrong with your ears. As you say, ‘I hear them brag’ . Who is them? I take it you mean the self appointed PRO player. I agree with that. I know they are PRO’s because if you don’t believe it, just ask them. In fact they will offer that bit of information on every post they make with out even asking them. PRO must be an abbreviation for something. Reading what they say about their boards and what they say about our home keyboards gives me a clue as to why they call themselves PRO people. PRO = ‘Pretty Rotten Opinions’. Or, ‘Poor Reputable Observations’. Come on guys, let’s give Marilyn a hand and see if we can dig up one of these PRO people so she can dump this VA7 thing.
Now, now Johnnie.c, your getting close to the root. As the old saying goes, “The truth hurts”. Just like a bad tooth, when the drilling for the answer to the problem gets close to the root or truth of the cause it starts to hurt. When it starts to hurt real bad then the screaming starts. I believe I am already hearing some huffing and puffing. I give you both a lot of credit for saying it like it is. Johnnie you got it pretty well nailed. I’m sure others have ideas on this phenomena as Art expresses it - It sometimes seems they just choke on the word Technics. I wonder why this is such a mountain to climb for so many. Don’t be bashful guys and gals, tell it like you see it. Once you bring something out into to open and air it out the stink blows away and it smells fresh and clean once again. Wouldn’t that be be nice Art? This forum becomes beautiful again? Kind of like Ruthie. She hangs her clothes out in the light of the sun and the caressing of the breeze. She gathers them in after a while and then says to me, ‘Don’t they smell so fresh again”? Then I say, ‘Ruth your so sweet, they sure do’.
Just the way I see it.
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug
#46819 - 09/23/02 06:27 AM
Re: KN7000 First Impressions
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
#46820 - 09/23/02 08:47 PM
Re: KN7000 First Impressions
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
My my, some feathers are getting ruffled already. Tony you say you don’t understand it and I believe you. When you state someone posts the slightest negative comment they open themselves to abuse is your opinion. The statement on this thread was I hear them brag on the wonderful sounds of their brand while knocking the KN sounds. Real professionals don’t do that. If you will read what I said about pro’s I very clearly said self appointed pro’s. There are good professional people on these forums. It is very easy to spot them. They will tell you what kind of instrument they play and why they have chosen it. They will tell you the other brands they have tried and the reason they do not use them and be very frank about it. But brag how good the one they use sounds and and how lousy another persons choice is, NEVER. Just as an example, Uncle Dave will tell you he has a certain style of playing. He has a way of doing things. He will stress he is comfortable with what he does and if he finds a machine that most fulfills his needs, that, by George, is what he is going to use. He has an open mind and will try almost every new generation of keyboards. He will tell you quite frankly what he liked and what he did not like about the thing. I have heard him comment on very nice things about a certain product but explain why it will not fit into his modus operandi. Never brag his choice and belittle others. I hate to use Uncle Dave for my point because there are also others of his stature. But you say you don’t understand and I believe you.
My homespun yarns of domestic bliss also seem to get under your skin. Sorry about that, but that is the way I talk because that is the way live and that is my philosophy of life and that is what I will go to my grave with.
Quote: - “The fact that someone does not play a technics does not make them any less a professional”. Tony Tony. The only person I have ever heard say that was you. If you believe that is a fact then I suppose nobody can change your mind. If you can show me a quote of anybody ever making that statement other than you I shall apologize. An imbecile? Maybe I am. One of the first words of wisdom I learned as a little kid in grade school was: Sticks and stones will hurt my bones but names will never hurt them. I think I shall apply that as a salve.
My oh my, ‘the technics people’ spoiled the canada forum and the ‘technics people’ spoiled the technote forum? I had no idea! That’s terrible!! That’s unconscionable!!! That’s downright mean!!!! That's dirty dirty mean!!!!! What? Don’t tell me! The ‘technics people’ are are now doing their best to destroy the synth forum? Well I declare! Those rotten old ‘technics people’. Someone ought to have a real down to earth talk with them. I gotta say one thing though, seems like ‘these technics people’ are a persistent bunch. They keep shooting themselves in the foot, eh Tony?
As an apologist you do have one mockingbird.
Oh well, that’s the way the ball bounces,
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug