Donny, I pretty much eliminated that problem with the position of my custom console, which places the display beneath the console lip, thus blocking the overhead fluorescent lighting. My biggest obstacle was while performing outdoors - the display had to be shielded with a black, cardboard cover that was velcro'd over the display like the scoop on a hotrod. Even that didn't totally solve the problem. Never really came across an arranger keyboard that had a suitable display for outdoor performances in direct sunlight. Don't think they exist.
well Gary at least we don't have to worry about that anymore..
By the way I finally had the chance to hear, play KB, & Sing thru the BOSE S1 Pro speakers and I was very impressed with the sound in all positions, FX, and versatility using, Bluetooth, Battery, AC, and I especially liked the Bose carry Bag too very useful for gigs. They have a real winner here!