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#46982 - 01/31/02 12:49 PM Anyone Noticed?
Brian Goodison Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 84
Loc: Bridlington. East Yorkshire.En...
as anyone noticed that we are 5th in the synths forum table and 8th overall.
Very good and its all happened over the last two weeks. The "other side"!. Their in the relegation zone. It just goes to show what can happen when you change your manager and put all your star players on the "Transfer List"


#46983 - 01/31/02 01:57 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?

Hello again Brian
Hope you're keeping O.K.
The reason is because the star players are now in our team. It just goes to show that the bossman ruling (sorry folks this is a european joke) can have a disastrous affect on any team and when the manager stops talking to the players what do they expect. No team can survive with a leaky defence and giving away so many own goals.Like all loyal fans I still occasionally watch them just to see how badly they are playing. A least the supporters have stopped baying for the managers blood and now they just leave before the finish.
Originally posted by Brian Goodison:
as anyone noticed that we are 5th in the synths forum table and 8th overall.
Very good and its all happened over the last two weeks. The "other side"!. Their in the relegation zone. It just goes to show what can happen when you change your manager and put all your star players on the "Transfer List"


#46984 - 01/31/02 02:00 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Mike Harrison Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 78
Loc: Oxford U.K.
Hi Brian
yes i have noticed, I pop over to the other side now and again, and as you saythey are heading for the relegation zone.
Keep the posts comeing everybody and lets make synthzone the tops.

#46985 - 01/31/02 02:09 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?

Hi mike
If we are only 5th, the other 4 must have scored some lucky goals. Barring injuries we will be the tops quite soon. So come on, keep it coming, and no Red cards thankyou!
Originally posted by Mike Harrison:
Hi Brian
yes i have noticed, I pop over to the other side now and again, and as you saythey are heading for the relegation zone.
Keep the posts comeing everybody and lets make synthzone the tops.

[This message has been edited by (edited 01-31-2002).]

#46986 - 01/31/02 03:50 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
You guys are so neato, and I am delighted with your wit. I just wish I could understand it. Don't any of you Englishmen speak English, :-)
Thanks to all of you for porting over here. Be sure and tell your friends and/or send me their email addresses. I will get them here.
Best to all of you from,

#46987 - 02/01/02 01:08 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
remember they are still deleting all posts not relevant to product queries. If you took out all the chit-chat here maybe there wouldn't be that much left either?

#46988 - 02/01/02 07:49 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?

Hi Bepop.
We all keep posting so that we can get that small word 'Member' beneath our name. When I send you my next bedtime story I will try and explain.
Originally posted by BEBOP:
You guys are so neato, and I am delighted with your wit. I just wish I could understand it. Don't any of you Englishmen speak English, :-)
Thanks to all of you for porting over here. Be sure and tell your friends and/or send me their email addresses. I will get them here.
Best to all of you from,

#46989 - 02/01/02 11:48 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?

Maybe not Alec and we all still need your valuable advice and help but part of the scheme and pleasure of it is to be able to make contact in this way and I think the popularity of the site bears that out.There is only a certain amount of pleasure you can get from playing (and probably talking) to yourself all the time and so its good that we can get help from a site such as this and extend our pleasure by getting informed on the instrument we play.
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
remember they are still deleting all posts not relevant to product queries. If you took out all the chit-chat here maybe there wouldn't be that much left either?

#46990 - 02/01/02 06:26 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
sure, do not disagree with that, just making the point that the Technote terms and conditions are clearly stated on that board. If this board had the same conditions, it would not be the same board, so it is a little like an apples and pears comparison.

#46991 - 02/01/02 10:22 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Brian Goodison Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 84
Loc: Bridlington. East Yorkshire.En...
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
sure, do not disagree with that, just making the point that the Technote terms and conditions are clearly stated on that board. If this board had the same conditions, it would not be the same board, so it is a little like an apples and pears comparison.

Hi Alec

The management (T******e) changed the rules not the players, the players then went onto the transfer list and another team (Synthzone) came in and "bought" them.
Now T******e have no star players left only
the reserves. A pity as it was a great team
before the new management screwed it up. I hope they do something about it before it's too late

Best regards


#46992 - 02/01/02 02:33 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Nigel Offline

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6483
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Well technicsplayer the reality is that rules are NOT the same here. Chit chat is important as it is users exchanging ideas irregardless of whether it pertains directly to products or not. Synth Zone does not depend on online commerce so there is no chance similar restrictions would ever be imposed here. Free discussion is just that .... not that a forum can't exist without restrictions it is just that people are less likely to choose forums like that if their responses are simply going to be deleted. While I never guarantee free speech on this private system, I will not delete postings unless I consider it to be spam or warez (piracy) related.

But be fair to Technote who must be business minded when their income and development of future Technics products is dependant on sales. If I were in the same position I may well be making similar decisions. It is in your interest that companies like Technote profit and continue to survive if you are to have buying options. If they wish to get you all back in their forums they can always ease the restrictions anytime they wish. If not, simply use the Synth Zone BBS but don't forget to check in at Technote from time to time to see what is happening there.

You guys are free to use whatever resources that you choose to.

#46993 - 02/01/02 05:34 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4371
Loc: Norway
Hi Folks,
as you, I was was and still are upset by the way Technote treated
us, but the terms of condition was not broken by them at first, but
by some of us who was "the players" as you call it.
Myself, I'm not any football player, so I like to use other words.

I've used SZone regulary for a long time, just as I am regulary
at Technote among several other boards, I have stated out high and
clear my meanings about what happened, but have not forgotten that
we really had a good time there, and that Technote is the place where
a lot of Technics related knowledgement still are to find. Both by
the staff and the users who still post there.
In fact, I hope that there will be some more posts again, and that
the Technics part of SZone and Technote's forum can live "side by
side" without this "*" in the name, and that we are able to cool
down the heat a little by do as Graham said: "... done are done
and can't be undone, but let us look forward.."
(You can see it in my open letter post here at SZ)
He also speak well about SZone, in fact tell us that this is a very
good alternative, so maybe we should look at the "invitation"?

How things can rise the temper, we can now see at the General Arr -
part of this board, some days ago, Yamaha was the one and only for
many users, and now, because of some restrictions regarding to use
the styles for up and downloads, and that the PSR2000 may have to
change some chips to be updated, there are now a "storm", and some
hard words are used. Even "never again Yamaha" and so on.
Again we see the signs of that "the ones death is anothers bread",
and when we are so many people from different parts of the world,
with different needs, thoughts and minds, it's easy to be carried
away, and then things may happen very fast......

Yes Nigel, "chit chat" may be important, and a little joke once in a
while does good, but when it's page up and down about familytragedies
and "my life histories", and chat among friends who may know eachother
personally, then it's maybe not quite so interesting for many of the
other users/members, and it could easily been done by e-mail, ICQ or
any other chat room around?
But as you say, it's up to ourselves to deside if we like to use the
resources or not, and on the other hand, it's up to the boardovners to
choose if they want us as users or not.

Kind regards

[This message has been edited by Gunnar Jonny (edited 02-02-2002).]
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#46994 - 02/02/02 04:22 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
Nigel, I have never said anything otherwise, and agree 100% with you, but it only reinforces the apples and pears point.

Brian and Peter, I made no qualitative comparisons one way or the other, just a simple point about numbers of posts and a possible explanation in the differences in allowed posting policy, nothing more. It is so obvious that the Technote policy is less user friendly it is not even worth making the point anymore. I too hope that things can change, but it looks most unlikely now and we must adapt to a new scenario.

Where I agree with Gunnar is that it was not a case of the management unilaterally changing the rules, but of certain players abusing the system and forcing the management's hand. The qualitative judgements about how the hand was changed have been dealt with in depth elsewhere and hardly need repeating.

However with freedom comes responsibility. Here we appear to have a free for all, where it seems quite acceptable to simply repeat other peoples replies while putting your own name to them, something that is hardly an incentive to the accurate answering of questions.

#46995 - 02/02/02 04:51 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?

Hi Alec
I agree with you on that point but I have been to the 'txxxxxxe' site both last night and again this morning and in the that short space of time a posting has been deleted because someone asked for help with a drum track for a certain somg. The question was totally innocuous and was nothing to do with downloading styles or the like, which in my view is going from the sublime to the ridiculous. As you say this point has now gone past it's sell buy date so lets all get back to the real task 'ENJOYING OUR MUSIC'
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
sure, do not disagree with that, just making the point that the Technote terms and conditions are clearly stated on that board. If this board had the same conditions, it would not be the same board, so it is a little like an apples and pears comparison.

[This message has been edited by (edited 02-02-2002).]

#46996 - 02/02/02 05:12 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4371
Loc: Norway
the drum track question is still not wiped at
Technote as far I can see just a minute ago.
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#46997 - 02/02/02 05:18 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Hi Nigel & Gunnar Jonny
I don't believe that the loss of sales at Technote can be attributed solely on the activities of members of the Technote forum.
Technote is a UK based independent from Matsushita company who in the past only sold their Technics support products through retail outlets.

Then it would seem that their business plan changed somewhat perhaps by expanding their support products to other manufacturers & maybe doing the bulk of their business online.

It would seem to me that Technote may have abandoned what was their most successful asset, the people at the point of contact with Technics keyboard & organ purchasers.The retailers.

Although it appears that there was some copywrite files that changed hands through the forum. From what I saw, it did not seem to be that many.Even so, we have to admit it was a wrong thing to do BUT.
And it is a big BUT the most disappointing thing of all is that Technote did not come straight out in the open & do three things
1. Inform all of us that did not receive these files .
2. Write their strongest objections that it had happened & that it would not be tolerated
3. Closing down the site & saying it was for maintenance & doing it all in such a underhanded way.:-(

I am sure we would welcome any comments on the above from Technote if they choose to do so. As they failed to do it on their own site I'm not holding my breadth.

As for chit chat I suspect all the above would come in that category but at least it is Technics related & not about meeting uncle tom cobbley & all in another state & going out for dinner,That's what the GENERAL DISCUSSION is for surely .
Regards Johnnie

#46998 - 02/02/02 10:57 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4371
Loc: Norway
Hi Johnnie.c,

my intention was not to start a new round of the debate about "who is
the bad or good guy" here, but the opposite, just trying to cool down
some of the heat against Technote.
Why, you may ask? Well, I still think Technote was the source where we
got the oportunity to meet at the first place, beside of the fact that
they are Technics related in hard and software, and also have a lot of
knowledgement regarding to our equipment.

As I mentioned in my post above here, I have stated out my meanings
very clearly before, but that does not mean that I am going to be a
Technote "enemy" for the rest of my life. My wish is that both forums
will be a great resource for all of us.

In danger to be "offtopic", just look around the world. There are more
than enough wars around, just because people don't want to reach out a
hand and say: "OK, sorry about what happened, let us agree about that
there is some points we don't agree in, but let us be friends, work it
out and carry on!"
So you see, I'm still hoping, even if it looks like the "train is gone".
However, I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who peek in to look
when I am connected to the web, you can see it in the number of readers
of each post.
A little strange though, that people who can't manage to spell Technote
without using a lot of * or x can admit that they are peeking in too.

Regarding to your point about loss of sales, well, if so, Technote are
not alone. It seems that this is a global issue these days......

Yeah, maybe we're "chit chating", but as you say, it is a kind of "on-
topic". If you remember some time ago, we even posted our meanings about
Technote at Technote's forum too, without posts being deleted. Even Nic
participated in the discussion, as well as both you and I did

Kind regards
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

#46999 - 02/02/02 02:09 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Hi Gunnar Jonny
I can understand how you feel & appreciate there is always more than one point of view that's democracy.
I agree with you entirely on the use of T******e as a way of expressing Technote still as I say that is democracy.
There is no fiercer opponent than me on the way Technote conducted themselves & I have openly expressed my view, but of course some people will still like to use both forums & that is for them to decide. I still visit there if only to have a look.Alas I feel Technote will never return to it's former self.
No matter what we say people will still chit chat I think you would be hard pushed to just keep the forum busy by just technical problems look at it more as being some form of fellowship.
Kindest Regards

#47000 - 02/02/02 02:38 PM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Nimrod Offline

Registered: 06/27/01
Posts: 89
Originally posted by Johnnie.c:

As for chit chat I suspect all the above would come in that category but at least it is Technics related & not about meeting uncle tom cobbley & all in another state & going out for dinner,That's what the GENERAL DISCUSSION is for surely .
Regards Johnnie

Your dead right johnnie. Actually, there is a topic in the "Arranger" forum concerning things like this, along with Trips to Niagra, Dinner with Uncle tom cobley , and American football I believe....all taking forum space up (were more time could be spent ANSWERING other peoples Questions)!. I came to Synthzone to talk about Keyboards, and info about them, not to listen to Bio's of certain individuals (this is for General forum at best - not Arranger, and certainly not here). As you rightly say Johnnie "That's what the GENERAL DISCUSSION is for surely". here here!

Oh No, I've got a virus on my Computer:(....Ahhh! - its Windows ME!

#47001 - 02/03/02 10:39 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?

My apologies to all and to you Gunnar. "I don't know how I could miss it but I did." I think may be I could write a tune to that lyric.
Originally posted by Gunnar Jonny:
the drum track question is still not wiped at
Technote as far I can see just a minute ago.

#47002 - 02/04/02 04:20 AM Re: Anyone Noticed?
Gunnar Jonny Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4371
Loc: Norway
Hi Peter
No problem at all, we all make mistakes once in a while.
Myself, I does it quite a lot, in fact, almost all the time
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

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