Have switched sides DNJ? I thought you liked arrangers.
Don't be mislead Don I will always have a place in my heart for arranger KB's and still do,..for certain things they just can't be beat. But, way before arrangers wee even thought of I played keys for many years with bands. The single OMB act was the need for the backing tracks all custom made and multitracked on a KORG M1 to SMF,...but as arrangers progressed in quality needs did change for other uses and the AKG metamorphosis evolved into what it is today.
I leave an open mind to my music and singing to keep it fresh. Boredom does play a part to some of it to a degree, the repetitiousness, etc, etc,..
There is no
"Other Side" or do I care how it's done by anyone else......just wanna close my eyes and hear great music.

enjoy your day......boy this Pizza is good Yummmmy ...