Hello all,
Firstly thank you very much for all the responses, many suggestions and comments to take on board here so thank you.
Reading my post again, it probably gave the impression that I really dislike the PA1000 which in fact is quite the opposite. A lot of my thoughts were off the cuff without understanding why certain things about the keyboard are what they are, for example the reason for removing a number of PA900 styles to make room for a bunch of new ones, which in really is quite a refreshing approach. Not all categories though, I can see certainly from the Latin's Korg haven't drastically changed those sections too much and that's a big plus for me since it's one of Korg's strongest categories.
Donny, so many times I've thought about another Ketron especially with how fantastic the Audya sounds but with the horror I experienced with the X1 back in the day, I feel I can't trust it again. And this would go for GEM as well if they still existed, and it's a shame because they are incredible sounding instruments. I still have a GEM WK8 but it can't be used due to it's serious faults, sound is crackly with distortion, sounds mono then it cuts out completely

. I've had countless or Korg's and Yamaha and not once have any of them failed or showed faults. As for Roland I've never seen one before whether in a store, through a friend or family, we've never had them for some reason so that would be something completely new to me.
Tony, I agree with you not keeping something if you're not going to be happy but I think I would be able to customise it enough to then let the 900 go eventually but not just yet.
Don, thank you for that. I need to find out how to calibrate the screen because there was no way I could use it as it stands, it's so far out! But I am glad this can be achieved.
Ted, as you said I think you can certainly tell the display has lost some clarity and sharpness but even with that I was more disappointed that when you select tracks they all show in yellow rather than in colour as per the 900, it just looks and feels like it's at such a low resolution. Of course its not a deal breaker but the colour clash looks a bit ugly and cheap.
Mark, I get what you're saying but I would still give it a try if that was your intention. Don't be put off by impressions or feedback because it may not always apply to the next person, they are just comments after all. My comments were in direct comparison to the 900 because I'm looking to replace it eventually and offload the 900 so for me it has to at least match some of the 900, and as probably expected, anything out of the box is going to need a few tweaks. The PA1000 still has a huge amount of styles available though and some of the new ones are quite nice, especially the ballads, I just found a slight issue with the Dance styles they sound just a little too overbearing but I'll just copy over the 900/PA3x ones anyway and use them. But I'd still give it a try so at least you've covered it and satisfied your own thoughts.
John, everything you said makes sense and it sounds like you felt similar to how I did. As you say, the keyboard can be significantly tweaked which means for the most part it will be fine in the end so I will be keeping it. But yes the absence of performances is a strange one. I am going to look out for that Musikant expansion, but do you have any more info on it? Is it brand new content or reworked existing content?
Abacus, yes you're quite right to say that one should always try keyboards out before you buy, but in this situation I knew there was a strong chance I was going to keep the PA1000 and I also knew with some tweaking I will eventually make it the instrument I want it be, I just didn't realise it would take a bit more work and tweaking than I envisaged. So yes I gambled a little, but I certainly would never of gambled with my T4 over say a Genos or PA4x, that would be a bit suicidal!!. With everything else you said, the decline has been evident over the years, I don't know of many who bother or care to use keyboards when they can compose most things using software. My sister for example used keyboards in the past but has now since bought a piano for the living room and uses her iMac to play / compose. As for my four children, they saw me play and have keyboards whilst they were growing up, the girls showed some interest but that soon died off. There are still a few of us in my circle that would buy keyboards but it's getting smaller.
Bruno, 100% agree with all you said and that's why I always also want to own both a Korg and Yamaha as I know I will always find what's missing from one in the other whilst also being different enough in their own right.
Take Care,