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#47265 - 07/31/02 04:06 PM Re: Audio-Demos from sx-KN7000
JvG Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 02/07/02
Posts: 22
Loc: Holland
Originally posted by Bill Norrie:
[B]I apologise if I have caused any offence to you JvG but from your generally negative remarks about the KN keyboards, it would seem natural to draw the conclusion that you dislike them and arranger keyboards in general.

You're drawing the wrong conclusions. I wrote I practically don't use the arranger anymore because I find it to be unflexible. I also wrote some of the sounds felt flat, and apparently I'm not the only one thinking so judging from another thread.

In short, how you get from my "boring" and "unflexible" comments to labels such as how I would "dislike" and "hate" the keyboard is beyond me.

I'd love to get one for free!

What other conclusion can anyone come to, after reading remarks like the following?

Certainly not the conclusion you have drawn. Your emotional attachment and justification of spending money on the thing is clouding your judgement. You are confusing reasonable criticism with bashing.

If I wanted to bash the KN7000 I'd have written that it looks like sh*t and it sounds like sh*t. Since I don't think either is true, your point has no validity whatsoever.

Some people here seriously need to take a step back and get a breather. Your keyboard is a machine. You don't make love to it, nor does it talk back to you.

#47266 - 08/01/02 09:32 AM Re: Audio-Demos from sx-KN7000
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Hey Bill,

JvG said and I quote "Certainly not the conclusion you have drawn".

Bill, do you realize the reason we have a jury system of justice? Have you never asked yourself why the judge needs help to understand what was just said after listening to a couple of lawyers stating their views on the subject at hand. After presenting their ideas to the court It takes a dozen or so people chosen from a cross-section of the population to determine what the heck they just said. Even so, the time spent, days and even weeks, not to mention the money involved goes to show how hard it is to understand lawyers. As laborious as this process is, even then the jury gets hung up sometimes on what the lawyers said, is or aint is. Could be aint what said is is, or aint is what said is aint what is ----------Oh nuts, cant think what is what I was trying to say is or aint is, or aint getting through to you what is.

So Bill don't feel bad because the jury is still out considering if JvG's conclusion of your conclusion is, certainly not the conclusion you have drawn. Whew, that was a tough one. Had to consult Ruthie about all that mental work. She thinks the thinking is OK. That kind of worries me though. Most of the time she don't like the way I think. Maybe she wants me to stick my own foot in it. Oh well, if I go back and rewrite what I just wrote I'll more than likely get a bad headache. Among other things, I don’t like headaches, they make my head ache. A bad headache can make you sick. Being sick is bad for your health. Getting old makes some of your parts get sluggish. Sluggish parts I can live with, but ha, unhealthy parts, no way! Like a frog, when I croak I want to croak healthy. All in the way you look at things. So I think I’ll stick with my croaking about this subject until the time comes when I finally croak. After that, who cares? Some will and some will be happy. In any event, let them carry on.

Thinking about things and letting you in on it.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug

#47267 - 08/01/02 02:52 PM Re: Audio-Demos from sx-KN7000
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
.... and some of the jury will be able to draw their own conclusions, later this month


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

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