Today, the temperature outside is 102 degrees f with 90 percent humidity and a code red air pollution alert - not good for old fogies with bad lungs.
This song, for some strange reason, has come out of the cobwebs of my aging brain. Not sure about the chords, it's just what comes out of my head. I had to hook up the supplemental oxygen line in the office, take a couple whiffs of the rescue inhaler, and I still think I struggled to record this song.
I used the PSR-S950's onboard recorder, an onboard jazz style, A variation, the right hand piano has a vibes overlay and duo harmony, which I believe gives it more body. The mic used, a Sennheiser E855. fires through the Harmony M vocal processor, then into the keyboard's mic/line input.
The onboard recorder's input level is lowered to 70, thereby eliminating any chance of distortion from overdriving the recorder. Once recorded, I then run the .wav file through Audacity to normalize the level and convert it to an MP3 before posting.
Here's an old fogies rendition of
The Nearness Of You using a musical instrument that some folks believe will soon be obsolete.

All the best,