Please accept my apologies, if it appears that my comments have 'hi-jacked' your posting. I certainly didn't intend it so.
Everything I've thus far read in regards to my comment of 'cheating', has shown how much thought and fervour keyboardists display when debating their favourite subject. Music/technology. And this is surely how it should be.
My original posting was mainly intended to get across my views on the wonderful music and musicians of the past. But, although my reference to cheating was partly as 'devil's advocate', I also had a strong reason for making the statement.
I spend all my 'on-board' time, attempting to 'CREATE' my own arrangements of songs, by using 'EVERY PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY AT MY DISPOSAL'. I finish up by producing my own 20 x track CD. I've done it by actually sitting down and playing, and the creation is 'my creation' and not someone else's. ! or is it. ?
When finished, I bore the living daylights out of my friends and family, by metaphorically saying to them, 'LOOK WHAT I'VE DONE, AREN'T I CLEVER'. And this is where the problem starts. Although I know, that much of what my listeners can hear, is actually what I've played, much is also the work and skills of others. ! Samplers -Technicians - Musicians. etc. So, what am I saying. ? I'm saying, that although my ability to orchestrate and arrange has undoubtedly improved, by constant use of technology, my 'REALTIME PLAYING ABILITY' has not changed one iota. !
There seems little doubt to me, that if you sit down and play a piano, the listener is going to hear ' A PRECISE MEASUREMENT OF YOUR PLAYING ABILITY '. Not, the result and consequence of the skills of others. So, I feel somewhat guilty. A cheat. My recordings make me out to be something I'm not. I might turn out to be a decent technician. Or even a half-decent musician. BUT NOT A GOOD PLAYER. That's something different. !!! Happy playing/creating.