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#47767 - 01/24/02 07:46 AM Performance Pads & Real Time Record
Sissle Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 112
Loc: USA - South Dakota
I am recording in Real Time and want to add a short loop from one of my Performance Pads buttons. My documentation tells me that the Performance Pads are recorded in the CTL track. So, I set the CTL track to REC, and the rest of my already recorded tracks to PLAY and start the playback. While recording, I press my Performance Pad to insert my loop at the points in the song where I want them to be heard. I hear them just fine as I am supposedly recording them, however on playback they don't exist. Also tried recording the Performance Pads loop on Track 9 using the same method, but it didn't work either. First question: Is it possible to record Performance Pads in Real Time Recording? Second question: If so, what am I doing wrong?

#47768 - 01/25/02 06:08 AM Re: Performance Pads & Real Time Record
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
hi there, sorry, don't understand, if you do exactly as you describe, the pad will be recorded normally.
Are you sure the track you are using is assigned as the control track? You can't use Track 9 without first assigning it as the control track, and you cannot have 2 control tracks at the same time.

The disadvantage of real time recording the control track again is that you have to repeat all the panel memory, variation, fill changes all over again, and get the ending in the right place again too.
Much easier to go into step record of the control track and put the Pad (and the Stop if required) at the relevant points, and take care of the balance in your panel memories.

#47769 - 01/25/02 06:40 AM Re: Performance Pads & Real Time Record
John North Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 449
Loc: Alfreton, Derbyshire, England
Hi Carol
You are obviously enjoying discovering realtime recording!!! The answer to your 1st question is Yes. You can record Performance Pads in Realtime or in Step time using the control track.
Secondly, you've got me baffled as well, because you seem to have done it correctly..... Make sure that CTL is showing above the track you recorded into. Check your control track by going into step record and there should be an asterisk where you started the performance pad (it will show you the number of the pad) and another where you stopped (if it was looped).

#47770 - 01/25/02 06:42 AM Re: Performance Pads & Real Time Record
Sissle Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 112
Loc: USA - South Dakota
Hi Technicsplayer,
Thanks for the advice. I will try adding it using Step Record and see if I have better results. That could have been my problem, not doing Panel Write again, so I goofed everything up. Will let you know how I turn out using Step Record.

#47771 - 01/25/02 06:48 AM Re: Performance Pads & Real Time Record
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
one possible explanation is that if you did it all correctly using the correct control track, but for some reason had a panel setup on playback with the pad volume slider at zero!

#47772 - 01/25/02 11:38 AM Re: Performance Pads & Real Time Record
Sissle Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 112
Loc: USA - South Dakota
He Technicsplayer,
Oh, how embarrased I am! (At least for a second or two!) Your suggestion hit the nail on the head! Of course you can't hear the Performance Pads when the volume is set to zero! You know, sometimes we get so obsessed with finding the answer to a difficult problem that we overlook the most simple solution! Live and learn! I bet you folks just can't wait to hear what my next question is going to be. If nothing else, I hope I have given you a good laugh today. I know I sure am rolling on the floor with mirth over this one!

#47773 - 01/25/02 12:09 PM Re: Performance Pads & Real Time Record
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
good guess at long distance then...

so the answer is always have all your setup conditions in a panel memory.

when you record the control track, press the panel memory first, then you start with the correct conditions.

#47774 - 01/25/02 02:26 PM Re: Performance Pads & Real Time Record
Sissle Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 112
Loc: USA - South Dakota
Believe you me, Panel Memory is going to be one of my top priorities from now on!


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