The Copy & Paste method works fine for most songs and thanks for the tip. However I still have a problem with some songs that have an "Ending" included.
One of the songs I recently emailed Bebop had 47 measures with the Ending at meaure 48. I tried copying and pasting All tracks from measure 6 (after Intro) to measure 47 (before ending)
When the extended song is played back, the Ending is still there, and can be heard with the newly copied and pasted measures.
When the Ending ends in the newly copied and pasted measures, the rythmn also ends, and only the right hand sound can be heard at measure 48.
I hope I explained the problem well enough. I think the main question is : Why was the 'Ending" Copied and Pasted when I didn't include the Ending measures.
If you recieved this song through Bebop, and you have time...try extending the song, and let me know if you have the "Ending Problem".
Doubling the length was my goal, but I gave up and sent out the short version.
The song was "Love Nest" sent out on Fri Sept 5.
Thanks again to this great forum for all the help, tips, and tricks. You all are a huge help, and a great bunch of really nice people.

Larry Hawk