Rikki, What do you mean there are at least a couple hundred styles not there (from previous boards you have had?) and They dropped a bunch of movie styles that I am finally able to play thanks to the voices on the sx (movie styles from??).
I really like FREE STYLE styles, and there is not many on SX....I hope the ones from Genos would be available somehow and work on SX??
Hi Lee,
Over the years I managed to collect factory styles from most of the Yamaha keyboards ie psr 2000 thru to s970, t1 thru to t5.
Never really been able to play a number of the T series , the voices didn’t exist in the psr line. so there could be a style part I couldn’t hear. It was there but no sound. I could have edited and found a substitute sound, but , quite frankly I couldn’t be bothered. I had my korgs, my psr was only ever a style source for my converting hobby.
Anyway, had all these styles sitting round for years, when I bought the sx , decided to to try them. The early psr 2000/2100, I basically dumped, to me they sounded awful on the sx. I think I kept one , a really great piano arpeggio / strings style which I’ll tweak up. ( I think I converted it for each one of my korgs over the years). For me a keeper.
Next I checked T1/T2, deleted all duplicates. Next I did psr 3000/ s900/ T3.
Deleted duplicates. Probably ended up with majority of T 3 styles. They sounded better than the psr / t1/t2 equivalent.
Then I did the s910 /T 4, removed duplicates, last I did s970 /T5 again removed duplicates. I would say I ended up with majority T4/T5 .
Last I checked what I had left against the sx, removed duplicates, Haven’t counted them but possibly around 200.
There are some earlier ones, plus the odd psr did sound better than the equivalent T style. I wasn’t necessarily going by what keyboard it came from, but which one to me, sounded best on the sx.
I love the movie styles , they all work really well.
The styles that were missing voices when played on s950, now on the whole appear to work.
One thing I did discover, can’t always go by the name, there could be a couple of styles , same name , but not identical.
I only checked Intro3 and a couple of variations, if a couple slipped thru , so be it.
Anyway all done. Doubt I’ll ever go thru that exercise again. Haha
I could be wrong, but not sure if Genos actually has that many more Free styles than were available on T series.
I’d have to check.
Send me a message if you need more info.