Don I tried to keep it a secret but you revealed much too soon
as you had it a while now anyway

. To big?,..
should NOT be a problem because your set up and rarely move from Ernest's stage
& if so the EA7 backup should fit the bill nicely as a second.
many are misled by the "baby Genos" comment size.
Speakers are not the difference it's all about what is inside Genos vs sx900 that creates the sounds and styles.
That said anyone that doesn't trust my opinion so be it I really don't give a crap,
I have learned a lot of who is a friend last few weeks and for that alone
I refuse to share many things publicly anymore here on SZ vs privately,'s sad it had to come to that.
Don as a few others, myself included sent back the
SX900 for a reason (it is not a baby or sideways Genos)
and bought a real Genos is all I will say,
I will not comment more on that.
I had a whole Genos review started on my progress but stopped and deleted it
I don't need the ridicule I would rather enjoy playing this wonderful instrument.
That said Don knows full well how I feel about his Genos choice
and I wish him only good luck on stage.
I Know he is gonna kick some major country ass
this Holiday season for sure.
Have fun.