I really love the way you live your life. Making the right moves, buying great keyboards. I wonder, is there any chance of moving in with you. (smile)
Enjoy your Sx900 my friend, John C.
Thank you John, I've been blessed in quite a few ways. Better give you my wife's phone number you'll have to check with her about moving into the room with the keyboards
Dave, You have a nice short commute between your winter and summer home, that's not a bad thing.
Way to Go Steve. Yes Frank is the best. Tony, what a friend you are, to go on the 200 mile trip with your bud, says a lot.
I heard Steve bought at the diner. True?
Yes, would only let me take care of the tip ...
The least I could do was buy lunch for Tony taking that 200 mile round trip ride. I've also been a guest at Tony's home a few times and Lydia has always prepared a great tasting Italian lunch topped off with dessert and espresso.