No, the only indicator is your audience's ears and their reaction - our ears are very damned old, shot to Hell and most of the time I can no longer understand what my wife is saying.

Keep in mind, Donny, that hearing is very subjective and deteriorates rapidly with loud music and age - both of which most of the folks on this forum are afflicted with.
Specs tell us a lot about a system, but if and only if we take the time to read them carefully and understand what they mean. Kinda like horsepower of a combustion engine, which is rated at a certain RPM, but I have never heard or seen a car advertisement that says
"The Blah-Blah Super X has a 450 HP V8 under the hood, when you get the engine to 5,500 RPM." Same goes for amplifiers, which frequently tout their peak power, but rarely list RMS power - big difference! I've been working with electronics since I was 11 years old, got my General Class Amatuer Radio License (HAM) (W3JQL) when I was 12, designed and built my own transmitters and receivers from junk radio parts picked from throw-away radios plucked from neighborhood trash cans. Specs mean a lot to those who understand them!

Good luck,