Sometimes you do have to break hearts to move on.
Someone once said that the best way to get over a man, is to get UNDER another one. lol
Thanks for your kind words on my storytelling. I guess that comes from my theatre experience. All actors are storytellers, and as musicians -
we get to act out a new story every 4 minutes, or so. Pretty cool when you think of it that way.
Now, back to the story ...
This poor, angry dog lady has no life outside the bar. It's sad, really. Funny thing - she doesn't drink! (neither do I - part of the attraction)
The situation at work is awkward, but certainly manageable. The hardest part is that it's making some of the patrons take sides .... but, there ARE no sides.
There's nobody who needs to be part of this. It's personal. It's over, and it's no-one's business .... so you'd think.
Sigh ... what to do, what to do. I guess we'll see what next week brings. If she insists on sitting so close - she'll have to wear her sunglasses, cuz the lights are here to stay. It's a holiday season, and the walls in the bar come alive when the lights twinkle. If she moves back where she started - she won't have to deal with it.
I feel like you're all my counsellors. Do I really have to keep telling this sad, sad story? It's bringing me down rehashing it.

There must be something else interesting enough to talk about. Hmmmmmm Genos, WHAT????