I never understood why players that drink or smoke on stage..?
Donny...you've got to remember that not everyone was born the perfect human being that YOU were. People have problems, pressures, obligations, responsibilities, financial situations and other burdens. Smoking or drinking is a "release" for them, and, at the very least, a "temporary distraction" needed at the moment. Not sure you can understand that as you are probably one of the "flawless" that roams the Earth.
No, I take that back. You do have ONE flaw. You think nothing about hijacking a post and taking it South, including my Don Mason "song tribute" post. But thanks to Tony, it's redirected North again.
[quote=Dnj]mark I see you woke up angry again...?..
I tried responding to your "hijack" post above politely, but you always have to get the last "dig" in, I'm noticing.
No, Donny, I didn't wake up angry...I woke up using the other "A" word....annoyed. Why is it you feel you have to leave a footprint in everyone's post? Is it to remind people that you have to keep reminding yourself that you can "walk on water...whenever you want and wherever you want?"
So what annoyed me? This post was meant to be somewhat of a tribute to Don. Speaking for MYSELF, I was so impressed with that rendition of what he did with that song, that I wanted to share it with everyone else. So what happens? Donny comes along, and in his role as traffic officer mindlessly directs the post South with with a completely off-topic remark. The topic was about Don, my personal opinion of a truly outstanding musician! Need I say more.
I try to watch my P's & Q's in this room and when I sense a post is important to someone I don't step on it.
I dated Ann in my early 20s and she made a remark I never forgot: "There is no excuse for bad manners!"
Hmmmmm...I'll just keep ignoring you.
Mark: Thank you God, thank you.