but we have a lot in common. We're both old farts, neither one of us are handsome (Looks like we've been rode hard and put away wet.

). I like cowboy hats and he's more a modern day cowboy. We both enjoy fishing, but for safety reasons, neither of us can spend time in a boat alone. We both like country music, though we spent a lot of years playing music other than country. We're both big fans of John Denver, Merle Haggard and Glenn Campbell, but we've been known to perform songs by Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin, Chuck Berry and others of the same era.
Don has one hell of a right hand, while mine is fairly limited, and over the many years we have known each other, he has always been an inspiration to me.
Just a few days ago, I heard his recording of Loving Arms - it was fantastic. I immediately fell in love with the song and decided to have a go at it. This time, just began with a few sips of lemonade, a couple whiffs on Albuterol Sulphate, selected a style on the S-950 (Country Ballad2) set the tempo and had at it.
Loving Arms Thanks for your friendship over these many years, Don. And, I promise I will not tell you the outcome of the playoff games.
