Hi All,
The music is still playing in my head. 3 days of some of the best playing around. It was like an indoor mini Woodstock, well you get the picture.

It was really wonderful to meet everyone and put faces to the music. There was just so much talent in the room.
The ECJ team would really like to thank everyone for their support of this endeavor. Thanks to both those who attended and those who were there in spirit. We could definitely feel the presence of many of you.
Those that attended felt they never got so much music and food for $10. What a combination, great, good and cheap.
The hotel staff was not only very good and accommodating but they also enjoyed the music as well.
I especially what to thank Fran and Marge, Dan and Carolyn and Cindy for all they contributed to the putting this together.
I have a lot of pictures and some movies to share but it may take a bit of time to get them on the jam site. I have a lot going on this week then I’m off to New Orleans for a week.
After expenses, we still have $50 left from the money we collected that we will be donating to the forum.
Thanks You Again. You all are GREAT.
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54