#486814 - 01/14/2010:15 AMRe: For Hammond/Piano left hand bass lovers.........
[Re: Dnj]
Bill Lewis
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Registered: 11/12/08
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Good stuff and a lot of fun and freedom playing that way. I leaned a lot more to doing bass lines on the pedals so I could have a fuller sound chording with my left hand. I had a Nova IV Bass unit in my Hammond to give me sustain on the pedals as well as volume control along with the keyboards and a seperate out for a bass amp . Wish I still had that rig.
Bill in SC --- Roland BK9 (2) Roland BK7M, Roland PK5 Pedals, Roland FP90, Roland CM30 (2), JBL Eon Ones (2) JBL 610 Monitor, Behringer Sub, EV mics, Apple iPad (2) Behringer DJ mixer
#486837 - 01/14/2004:06 PMRe: For Hammond/Piano left hand bass lovers.........
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
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Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Mine didn't fall by the wayside; I never played left hand bass. Used to use foot pedals on organ... I COULD play left hand bass, but not while I'm playing right hand riffs and leads. One of the great things about arrangers is that they play good bass lines for you. It's working for me anyway.
#486840 - 01/14/2004:26 PMRe: For Hammond/Piano left hand bass lovers.........
[Re: Dnj]
Registered: 03/22/17
Posts: 449
Loc: Mountain Home, AR
Once again I appreciate your comments Don. Like you I use to push pedals extremely well. Can't play left hand bass worth a damn. I use tha arranger bass lines totally. Like you I think the arranger plays good bass lines for me. Certainly better than I can play myself. They are there, why would I not use them?
PSR 740,PSR 3000, Mirage, tx7, mp32, Pro Tools 10,11 SONAR, Reaper, BIAB 2020 and a pile of Computer Music mags w/disks College student was working on Doctoral, Education Now just doing courses to do courses
Registered: 06/04/02
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Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
There is a place for left-hand bass, and it’s good. For me, I enjoy muting Accomp., sometimes Drums, and at times the Bass. I use the left hand and right hand to work against each other. Add drums and bass and it sounds full.
Question: If the only instruments that are being used is Drum, (style) Bass, and right hand, how much difference is there? I need an opinion; I want to understand.
John C. PS, the PSx900 gives you 8 Regs. -- I can change the bass line 8 times.
#486851 - 01/14/2005:43 PMRe: For Hammond/Piano left hand bass lovers.........
[Re: captain Russ]
tony mads usa
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Registered: 01/16/02
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Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Played left hand bass on the accordion - and NOT OOM PAH PAH !!! but could not transfer that to the keyboard for whatever reason ... Love listening to a good piano player playing left hand bass or an organ player playing left hand or pedals ...
The sax player from our band has a son who majored in music in college and is a REALLY good piano player ... love to hear him play LH bass ...
Registered: 05/26/99
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Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
In my opinion... without bass... there is emptiness.
I was brought up as an accordionist.. Left hand bass was a necessity.
And when I went to organ, pedals and left hand bass was still a must.
When we started to use synths (keyboards). You had to use a keyboard for left hand bass, or you weren't doing it right
I was taught with a strong background in chord structure, and it was natural to me .. playing left hand bass.
My left hand knew where my right hand was going, and both hands listened to the drums/ drum machine.
I don.t even need to think about left hand, it is almost automatic for me.. Any key feels normal.
When I play arranger keyboard today, I usually turn off arranger and play trio type stuff (left hand bass, piano, drums.).
Sometimes I will add the auto bass, and/or guitar part of a style.
For you guys that seem to struggle with left hand bass... you are thinking too hard.. listen to what bass players are playing.. listen to your drums, and feel the bass working within your chord structure..
Fran wrote..."When I play arranger keyboard today, I usually turn off arranger and play trio type stuff (left hand bass, piano, drums.). Sometimes I will add the auto bass, and/or guitar part of a style. In my opinion... there is emptiness"
To me that sounds like emptiness ...what is the sense of playing an arranger KB if you shut off most of it's parts?.. What type of music scenario room is being played with just bass,drums, piano, alone ?.... lounge, restaurant, cocktail hour,?..... what happens when people want to dance, or hear more pop uptempo tunes with vocals, etc, etc,..? And how does the younger generation in today's music atmosphere embrace LH bass...?
Registered: 06/04/02
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Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Russ, what a beautiful explanation, you have heart my friend, thank you.
Tony, I spent a lot of time with midi accordion players, who did not play UUM PAH PAH. I am not sure I heard walking bass, but the sound was beautiful.
We set the accordion midi --- Bass button to lower vibes, Bass chords to mid vibes, and right hand to the higher vibraphone sound. He was then I vibraphone player -- and I never heard a better sounding Vibraphone; and it was not just the quality of the sound module.
#486871 - 01/15/2007:30 AMRe: For Hammond/Piano left hand bass lovers.........
[Re: Dnj]
tony mads usa
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Registered: 01/16/02
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Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Originally Posted By Dnj
To me that sounds like emptiness ...what is the sense of playing an arranger KB if you shut off most of it's parts?.. What type of music scenario room is being played with just bass,drums, piano, alone ?.... lounge, restaurant, cocktail hour,?..... what happens when people want to dance, or hear more pop uptempo tunes with vocals, etc, etc,..? And how does the younger generation in today's music atmosphere embrace LH bass...?
Donny, you know as well as anyone - you fill the room with whatever the room is calling for - THAT'S the beauty of playing an arranger ...
Tony that may be true ....but sadly look around at live venues today not an arranger in sight......somewhere along the line things are certainly changing for the next generation and who can blame them......us old timers used what we had and now the next generation is embracing the technology they can use that we didn't have ... Nothing wrong with that but to try an pawn it off to them is fruitless in many ways out of stubbornness, reluctance to change, or whatever... Trying to get the younger generation today to play arranger KB is almost as bad as trying to get them into accordion. For example the Grammy's are coming on TV and watching a commercial the other day hardly knew or ever heard of 95% of who was going to perform on the show.. We'll just have to accept the changes around us musically and either absorb what is useful for us and our needs or just block it all out put blinders on,and continue in you own musical world and enjoy playing the way you do which works for me ..
Registered: 06/04/02
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Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Organs were fantastic, then people turned away from them and bought keyboards. They hated organs, and they loved keyboards???? Well how can you take an organ on a job? I did, I took the top part of a Wersi organ, which was removable, to my job. Played at PGA National, the loved it.
Now it is arranger keyboards and work stations. Change is necessary for the young generation; there are very few that want to be just like Dad. The younger generation is filled with energy, life, a desire to be better than, a desire to grow, which is healthy. Music has changed, clothes have changed, values have changed, the list is long. This is not wrong, I did it to my father, and he did it to his father.
If you are working gigs/jobs, you should have what is needed. I fully agree. Give some thoughts of what you have given up to fit WHAT IS NEEDED. Reasons; dollars, the love of being out there, and there is more.
Since I became a home player, my love of music has grown. My playing is my happy time. It changes my mood, it gives me things to think about, it’s my toy, and now it is my new toy, a Sx900. This keyboard has brought pleasure, joy, it is a fantastic keyboard – The bigger picture; this keyboard came when I needed something, and it does what I want. IT FITS MY NEEDS. Be true to yourself.
If you are working jobs, buy what fits the needs of the jobs, it is the best way to go. There will be a time when you will reject the new, and you will know when it happens to.
Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Originally Posted By Dnj
Fran wrote..."When I play arranger keyboard today, I usually turn off arranger and play trio type stuff (left hand bass, piano, drums.). Sometimes I will add the auto bass, and/or guitar part of a style. In my opinion... there is emptiness"
To me that sounds like emptiness ...what is the sense of playing an arranger KB if you shut off most of it's parts?.. What type of music scenario room is being played with just bass,drums, piano, alone ?.... lounge, restaurant, cocktail hour,?..... what happens when people want to dance, or hear more pop uptempo tunes with vocals, etc, etc,..? And how does the younger generation in today's music atmosphere embrace LH bass...?
You are out of touch
You can turn parts of a style off, by design.. That is why we prefer arrangers... a matter of ease..
Try doing quick set ups on a workstation, and you can see why we use arrangers.
There is not emptiness with bass, piano and drums,,, Emptiness will only be from the player.
As for full out arranger parts playing... not me, I don't want that fake sound. And as a player, will not impress anyone (talk about a turn off to younger players).
If you ever look on the dance floor when young folks dance... they are hearing Bass and Drums... not any of the 2 chords and sounds … and the vocals (give me a break).
Like I said I prefer to use a basic trio set up ( and keep it real).
I wonder if millennial musicians will be here at SZ , when they retire, and what will the discussions be
[quote=Dnj] [quote] As for full out arranger parts playing... not me, I don't want that fake sound.
Let me me understand this ...... when you play all parts it's a FAKE sound.... but when you mute parts and leave just Auto Drums, Bass it's NOT fake sound anymore?... No wonder DJ's now rule the roost ... Ok back to playing fake music on my Roland EA7
Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Originally Posted By Dnj
[quote=Fran Carango][quote=Dnj]
As for full out arranger parts playing... not me, I don't want that fake sound.
Let me me understand this ...... when you play all parts it's a FAKE sound.... but when you mute parts and leave just Auto Drums, Bass it's NOT fake sound anymore?... No wonder DJ's now rule the roost ... Ok back to playing fake music on my Roland EA7
Let me explain it in a easy to understand way
Bass, piano, and drums (you play the parts, not the arranger). Can't be any less fake then that
All out arranger parts , Can only come out as Fake ,fake, fake.
You are the only one on stage, and they hear 10 different players.. That is why we are asked "do you have this or that song in there"...Not believable, when we overdo it.
Fran I don't know what dance floor you filling with that I had to turn it off after 2 min......interesting but in no way the answer... times are changing in music worldwide...get on board.
Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Originally Posted By Dnj
Fran I don't know what dance floor you filling with that I had to turn it off after 2 min......interesting but in no way the answer... times are changing in music worldwide...get on board.
That is why you missed the point again!!
If you listened to the video you can actually know why they could fill a floor (No I am not talking todays unhummm music, but good music written by talented composers)
Listen further to some Oscar tunes, and if you don't think a trio could command a dance floor.. I don't know what I can say.
Maybe that is why as you say there are no arranger players on stage.
"get on board".. not I, "pop" music is not my cup of tea..
Maybe you should just DJ, and you have the answer.
#486898 - 01/15/2010:24 AMRe: For Hammond/Piano left hand bass lovers.........
[Re: Dnj]
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Remember, there are a GREAT many arranger players, many of them young. But not many in the U.S. Other parts of the world embrace arrangers to a much greater degree than we in the U.S. do. I used to be much more in the drums, bass, lead camp, but today most people are expecting to hear a much fuller sound. No right or wrong though.
Fran I understand but your in the minority in today's age ... but that ok no one really cares anymore that is apparent. glad I have channels on my radio to set to listen to MY music... really don't care what anyone else listens too any more... sadly there are too many branches on the tree...if you dig my drift.