Almost forgot....
Torch...this is an absolutely brilliant performance. I watched it a few times for a few reasons.
It's one of my favorite Christian songs.
To observe the clever way he arranged it for guitar.
To try to figure out what sounded out of place. Turns out it was the lack of "spacing" of
One of the things that, thankfully, was passed on to me over the years by a senior musician was..."learn the words to a song before you learn the song." I'm wondering if the gentleman "learned the words" because "learned lyrics" lead to great "phrasing."
Eva Cassidy is the greatest example I know of. Doesn't rush her songs. She milks "Over the Rainbow" with every consonant and vowel that comes out of her mouth. Works the words and feels her songs through and through right down to the bone.
I just really love this song, and so, naturally I was also singing it in my mind. But it was difficult to keep up with the pace and feel the emotions this tune awakens in you. I'm curious...does he just play the song without understanding what the song is actually about, do you think?
Either way, I reiterate. An absolutely brilliant, beautiful creative and engaging performance he did!