Mark, there is no question of the effort you put into your music; and I agree with the greater part of it. One of my friends, a guitar player, studied ear training, his ability to recognize intervals and pitch improved.
From my twenties to my forties I put a lot of effort into improving my music abilities. I bought every record that Johnny Smith, a well-known guitar player, made. The books he wrote were not very good. Later in years I found that m playing had a flavor of Johnny Smith. My playing was a mixture of Johnny Smith and me.
My point; When I am playing, I no longer think of scales, arpeggios, pitch, or intervals. It’s time to play song after song and allow what is inside of me, my natural ability, my emotions to be my main thoughts. Doing my best to play what is in my head. A new song: I study the chord progression, play the song a few times, then put away the music and make sure I do not play the melody, note for note as it was written.
Just my thoughts, John C.