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#4889 - 11/23/03 11:20 PM Buying a .com after all

I have decided to buy a .com modualr synth after all. The real reson is I do like to tweak knobs too change sounds. After all I wanted a Minimoog. But this will be 100 times better then a mini.

Hey ED you were right! I should have just shut my mouth and gone with a modualr synth. Even though I wopuld never be happy. I at lest ought to give the .com a chance. Besides I would be the only person in Fredrick to have a Modular synthesizer. I probably would use it more, then a soft synth. Some of those look a little complicated.

BTW: If I ever go through changeing my mind againg. You have my permisson too hit me.

#4890 - 11/24/03 11:30 AM Re: Buying a .com after all
tekminus Offline

Registered: 04/20/00
Posts: 1287
Witness my pre-emptive virtual slap:



#4891 - 11/24/03 11:43 AM Re: Buying a .com after all
3351 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 1194
Loc: Toronto, Canada.
Actually I think there's nothing wrong with exploring your options.
But you did scare me a little, when you almost decided to go for an arranger keyboard instead of a .com synth.
But had you gone for a PSR instead of a QSS22 I'd still respect your choice.
See, PSRs are like a gate drug .
First a tiny PSR next....Huge studio with all kinds of stuff.

My first experience with keyboards was my cousin's Roland E-35.
It was the limitations of that little bugger, that made me run out and buy a D-50 and a DX-7.
Nowadays it's room to sleep or
breathe for that matter - Synths, synths, synths and did I mention MORE synths...

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde

#4892 - 11/24/03 01:05 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

Thanks Tek I needed that! No I gave up with the aranger keyboard.

#4893 - 11/25/03 09:07 AM Re: Buying a .com after all

BUY A .COM Modular synth from

Everything else pales in comaparison!

So many knobs, so little time!

#4894 - 11/25/03 03:30 PM Re: Buying a .com after all
3351 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 1194
Loc: Toronto, Canada.
The subliminal messages imbeded in my e-mails and posts worked!
our Paul is back to his normal self again!

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde

#4895 - 11/25/03 04:20 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

Yes I am back!

#4896 - 11/26/03 01:33 PM Re: Buying a .com after all


#4897 - 11/28/03 01:40 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

I was sitting looking through Sweetwaters ProGear Gear Encyclopedia. And I notice there is quite a lot of gera in this catalog for createing and playing music. Especially in the keyboard section. There are a lot of different varites of synths, samplers, and music workstations. But none of these keyboards have grab my atteniton enough to want to buy one. Especially now that I have seen a modualr synth. Every thing else pales in comparison to a modualr synth. I have finnaly reach that point where it does not matter that I have to have the lattes and greatest, or even a good used synth. Becuse none will ever make me happy, well with the execpetion of a modular synth. So instead of buying lots of keyboards and such that I would buy one system and that would be it.

So I am going to get a modualr synth.

#4898 - 11/28/03 02:02 PM Re: Buying a .com after all
3351 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 1194
Loc: Toronto, Canada.
Hey Paul!
What is important to you in a modular system?
Is it the flexibility that it offers or the fact that it will keep you busy?
For me it's both.

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde

#4899 - 11/28/03 05:08 PM Re: Buying a .com after all
Sanvean Offline

Registered: 09/02/03
Posts: 36
Loc: UK

#4900 - 11/28/03 05:10 PM Re: Buying a .com after all
Sanvean Offline

Registered: 09/02/03
Posts: 36
Loc: UK
I guess the big slaps don't

#4901 - 11/28/03 10:09 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

Yes ED it's both for me too.

UH? Sanvean, that was only if I did something stupid again! You missed it.

Ed fill him in will you, please?

#4902 - 11/28/03 11:43 PM Re: Buying a .com after all
3351 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 1194
Loc: Toronto, Canada.
Yes Sanvean !
Only tek and I are authorized to slap Paul in case he ever changes his mind again and decides to buy a ...Kazoo instead of a .com synth.

Since you violated the rules of an existing agreement and overstepped your
authority by taking an action of unnecessary physical punishment, it is only
reasonable that you
financially compensate Paul-61 member for physical and emotional damages.

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde

#4903 - 11/29/03 04:38 AM Re: Buying a .com after all
Sanvean Offline

Registered: 09/02/03
Posts: 36
Loc: UK
Please accept my sincere apologies.........

#4904 - 11/29/03 07:12 AM Re: Buying a .com after all

Appology accepted!

#4905 - 11/29/03 10:31 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

BTW: I gave up my pursuit of getting a minimoog in favor of a larger modular synthesizer.

#4906 - 12/06/03 01:09 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

A modular synth would better suit my needs anyways.

#4907 - 12/07/03 09:29 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

Originally posted by Paul-61:
...I should have just shut my mouth....//...You have my permisson too hit me.

Oh Paul come now stop....why be quiet? you are the spark on the board, plus look at all you have learned. I recall once you said you really werent a musician per se' and we said bullshit oh yeah well you are now pal, your stuck with us and so you rose up from a lower level quickly to now knowing enough to guide someone new at analog synths and how to operate them as well as some knowledge of virtual analog synths and lots of other vintage stuff.

hint -wink- hint hint I just wish someone would become a total expert at MIDI implementation and sequencing. hint hint So I can ask them questions eventually about my bizarre and outlandish MIDI programming doings that don't always work but i have no clue as to why. hint hint.

Say I was wondering. If Ed is allowed to hit you, will you allow me....i mean umm may I please shoot you with my paint gun? Would you mind very much? I have the full gear setup you can wear and getting hit don't really hurt except for a little sting. I need to get my frustrations out. It's lots of fun really. two hours a week saay ten bucks an hour?
Of course you do know im just kidding...I havent posted a lot lately so you might notknow when im jokin ya!

[This message has been edited by Morphamatik (edited 12-07-2003).]

#4908 - 12/08/03 01:20 AM Re: Buying a .com after all
Nigel Offline

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6484
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Sometimes Paul-61 I think you get too caught up in the technology and forget that all that is important is creating music. I have heard brilliant music performed with minimal technology and vice versa heard great technology result in boring crap.

Make a decision and roll with it and start actually making some music. While technology is great for helping to produce imaginative sounds it is NOT the most important ingredient in creative expression.

I think it's good you are discerning about the gear you want to use, but you can only stall for so long and then you are just wating time you could actually be playing and creating. Technology always changes but good music lasts forever.

[This message has been edited by Nigel (edited 12-08-2003).]

#4909 - 12/08/03 04:44 PM Re: Buying a .com after all
3351 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 1194
Loc: Toronto, Canada.
Make music...
I'm not sure if that's entirely true...
I know a lot of people that have studios and synths, but don't play or write music.
Music is not something that they are good at. So they focus on things like recording and even synth programming and sound design. That's how they express themselves and make money too.
As a producer I have to do pretty much everything. From playing and writing to
mixing, sound design, recording and mastering. All of those things are equally important and equally difficult.
So , if someone decides to focus on programming modular synths - go for it. It is still art. May be not something a dedicated tuba player will be able to identify with, but a form of art nevertheless.


Hey Morph!
Where have you been ...jail?
Damn lysdexia, I told you she'll get you in trouble!
If you have any questions about MIDI stuff - ask ED (me ).

[This message has been edited by 3351 (edited 12-08-2003).]
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde

#4910 - 12/09/03 07:42 PM Re: Buying a .com after all

Okay Nigle, What do YOU suggest I do? What course of action? When I said I was not a musician, what I ment to sya is that I am not a song writter, or arranger or even a player for that matter. At the moment I have only one keyboard my ARP Omni. Which seldom gets played. It hard when you want to be like Billy Joel but just don't havre the drive or paitenice to spend on doing it. I mean I have tried really tried, but I just can not seem to do it. I have conditioned myself for so long into thinking that I am nto good enough that I can't seem to get out of this rut that I am in. It really hard for me. Either that or I don't really want to try because no matter what I do I know I have to work at it. When I have to work at it that's when I loose interest and get bored eaily and walk away, becuse it's not fun and enjoyable at all for me. If I could have fun with it I would. And what makes it harder is that I reall love keyboard instruments, and yet I can not even master one. I mean I don't even know my own style of music? So I keept by keybaords to help me find what sound or type of music I wanted to do. From analog to digital, from sampleing to groove maeking, and still nothing?

See here are some of the things that I like, I know I like music with a beat upbeat perferably. But at the same time I like to change sounds as well. That is part of the reason why I like modualr synths, but also like those groove boxes from roland. I mean if you can help me out that would be great or in the least point me in the right direction.

Um Morph I think you may have missed a previous topic of mine. Ed can fill you in.

Ed if you have anything to offer I am open as well.

Just so everyone knows I have not dished out the money for a .com modualr synth, or any other keyboard for that mater. I mean I would like a modular synth some day just not right now.

Ed, now before you say anything just hear me out. I know having a modular synth would be fun for me, but I think I need to start off simpler first and work my way up. Instead of just rushing in to sepnd $2,000.00 some odd dollars on a modular synth. That I wait until I am confident enough too buy one. Don't get me wrong I have NOT put off the idea of getting one, but wiating a few years before commiting myself to buying one. I think I need to commit myself to learing must first and refreshing my note reading.

You know I thing this gives me an idea for a new topic.

#4911 - 12/10/03 06:39 AM Re: Buying a .com after all

Hey Morph your email address does not exsit!

If you have any questions on vintage synths, I will try and ask them the best I can. Since I have a few boks on analog synths.

I have a couple of books on MIDI as well.

#4912 - 12/13/03 07:26 AM Re: Buying a .com after all
cassp Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Motown
Gee Paul, you seem to have an alter-life here at the General Discussion, while over at the General Arranger Discussion you tell a different story. Anyway, my aadvice to you is the same (as Nigel also said) - get on with it. Stop flirting around with these forums and get a keyboard. Iv'e played a lot of keyboards and synths in my day and truly can't see the advantage of a modular synth as your only playground, but that's up to you. Buy something - speak with knowledge.

TO ALL GENERAL DISCUSSION READERS - I suggest you check out this thread on the General Arranger Forum:
Riding on the Avenue of Time

#4913 - 12/13/03 07:34 AM Re: Buying a .com after all

That's probably becuse I am messed up! Not mentaly messed up or strung out on drugs or anything. My mind is more like a Jackson Pallock Painting. All chaotic, one minute I want one thing, the next I want something else. Othere times I can't really figure out what it is that I want. That could also explain why I get so frustrated so easeily.

#4914 - 12/13/03 08:51 AM Re: Buying a .com after all
cassp Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/21/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Motown
Paul, you sound like a little kid trying to decide if he should go on a roller coaster. My final (?) suggestion is for you to take some plastic and go to GC WITH A FRIEND. Have him help you pick out a board. Buy one - buy something, buy anything, just start playing again. Try it, you'll like it.
Riding on the Avenue of Time

#4915 - 12/13/03 10:28 AM Re: Buying a .com after all
3351 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 1194
Loc: Toronto, Canada.

Were's tek with his big "slap" when you need him....

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde

#4916 - 12/15/03 07:49 AM Re: Buying a .com after all

DUH! Which way did they go George, which way did they go?

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