coming up a half or whole step on 'All my tomorrows
Thanks for the listen, and the kind review Chas.That version of "All My Tomorrows" is actually a kind of funny story ... not funny -HaHa, but interesting. I bought that PA80 about 10 minutes before I found that EP sound, and I just started playing the tune. I wasn't even all that sure of the changes, as you may have figured out by the way I changed a line or two, but I just "felt" it, and it came through my fingers. Never really thought about a key, but maybe you're right - I'll revisit that song, and see what happens. The Lyle Lovett tune was 100% inspired by Lou Rawls' version, and facilitated by a pattern on the X1 that just screamed to be played. As soon as I heard that style I started chipping away at about a dozen tunes that sat right in that pocket. The bass line, particularly grabbed me by the .....well, bass.
"The Prayer" was suggested to me by divine inspiration ... literally.
My cousin had just died suddenly, and for some reason I was drawn to the melody of that song, as I replayed memories of him. I couldn't get it out of my head, so I called Eddie's (the deceased) brother and told him about the song, and that I thought it might be nice to sing at his memorial service. His brother hesitated for a few seconds, and the silence on the phone was deafening ... then he told me that "the Prayer" was Eddiie's favorite song and he and his wife used to share songs with each other when the TV was boring. That song was a favorite for them both, and when Eddie's widow heard about my suggestion - she was filled with an overwhelming warmth, and catharsis because she knew Eddie had made the suggestion to me. That's what I truly believe, and it's very special to me to this day. More funniness ... Eddie's wife is Japanese, and a family custom from her culture is to place objects of personal interest in the casket before burial, so the deceased will have familiar items in the afterlife. Family and friends placed various things in the box - a Yankees bat, a bottle of Scotch, a few sax reeds .... but my Dad (the original joker) wrote him a check for $1,000,000 and tucked it in his jacket pocket, saying "I sure hope he doesn't cash this!"

Cracks me up every time I think of it.
Thanks for the nudge to remember how these tunes were introduced to my repertoire. Good times. Good times.