I've gotten email notices from three different service companies that their offices/service centers will be closed to walk-in customer service (paying bills, etc.) and that all such customer services will now have to be done online. This doesn't really affect me personally or the more tech-savvy seniors that populate this particular forum, but many elderly customers are not so tech-savvy (some don't even own computers) and still pay their bills, voice their complaints or requests for service, in person. Grandkids to the rescue, I suppose

. Of course this will also affect the people who work in these service centers as well.
I stopped by the local Walmart early this morning hoping to beat the store traffic. No luck. The parking lot was filled to overflow at 8:30am. Shelves half bare, some totally bare. No toilet paper but plenty of ExLax (apparently nobody needs that

). Boy, sure hope this passes quickly (the virus, I mean - poor choice of words

). Stay safe everyone, wash your hands often and don't touch your ugly mug
