I agree with Don ...guys like us regard music as more of a conversation than a lecture, and without a crowd to feed off of ... it's just not the same.
your never to in the know to stop learning or practicing,
new fresh ideas, use this time home to improve your music
change what you already do for the better.....
be a leader NOT a follower and stop complaining, be creative and use this down time as a plus not a minus
.....we are all in it for the
LONG haul embrace it and make it work for you ...you don't need an audience to enjoy music.....just think how many never even been in front of an audience playing but enjoy playing at home....
put your big boy pants on and work out some NEW music for yourself and eventually your fans in the months to come.
I Know you can do it!

you just got a NEW SD7 and a SX900 you should be so busy working with those two units and more
...that said I just finished breakfast oatmeal & fresh strawberries with honey and cinnamon but now it's time for
2+ hrs of Tyros 4 baby...