#49408 - 08/26/03 04:04 PM
One Missing Feature since KN3000
Registered: 08/23/03
Posts: 190
Loc: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Hello Fellow KN7000 players,
As you can read on the KESO site in my biography I have played KN1000, 3000, 5000 and now 7000. There is one great feature I miss in the keyboards since KN3000; it was in KN1000, 2000 and 3000. Yes, you know it by now? DYNAMIC ACCOMPIMENT. I loved that feature on the KN3000 playing live. It made especially the music much more realistic. Does anybody know why it's taken out since then. Every keyboard should be downward compatible, isn't it?
Kind Regards, Fred
------------------ Kind Regards, Fred
Kind Regards, Fred
#49417 - 08/27/03 02:59 PM
Re: One Missing Feature since KN3000
Senior Member
Registered: 06/28/01
Posts: 2794
Loc: Lehigh Valley, Pa.
Gunner, and all the fine KN'er's
On my old 3000 you hold the Dynamic Accomp button down, and you get a choice of Heavy Normal Light Extra Light
I tried all 4 and no matter how hard I played the chords, I still don't hear any difference in any setting.
In the Instruction Manual: It changes each accompaniant pattern of the Auto Play Chord, depending on the condition of the performance, each ACCOMP part changes. (Don't you just love Technics Manuals)
Also on a side note, I was told by a Technics Dealer, that Dynamic Accompaniment was not needed on later keyboards, especially the 7000. Since I do not notice a difference with Dynamic Accompaniment on the 3000, and the 7000 Accompaniment already sounds dynamic to me, I'll have to agree with him. Simply no need for it.
Larry Hawk
Larry "Hawk"
♫ 🎹🎹 ♫ SX-900
#49425 - 08/29/03 02:37 PM
Re: One Missing Feature since KN3000
Junior Member
Registered: 07/14/03
Posts: 27
Loc: Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
Tony is CORRECT!!! The KN1000's Dynamic Accompaniment was triggered by faster or more intricate playing in the RIGHT HAND! It was a very fundamental method of adding to the pattern, which only had one variation. I remember this clearly, and when the KN2000 came out, it had the 4 Variation buttons instead.
To be honest, I've never missed the Dynamic Accompaniment since, as the Technics chaps who create the rhythm patterns and their variations, are the most superbly versatile musicians one could wish for!
I think you should all sit down and have a good listen to some of the styles on your KN5s/6s/65s/7s, beginning with Intro, working your way through each variation and their DIFFERENT fill-ins, to the Ending. Consider also how the Intros to certain styles are completely different depending on whether you start in a major or minor key!
Now, come on, guys, exactly what MORE do you want, eh? We own what is arguably the finest, most versatile and easy-to-use all-round gigging/entertaining/recording keyboard.
Finally, let's not forget the absolutely SUPERB software from Technote! Has anyone else heard the KN6000 Accompaniment Update Vol.1? These patterns from the new PR903 have got to be heard! So, who needs 'DYNAMIC ACCOMPANIMENT' anyway?
Neil Bennett
#49426 - 08/30/03 05:48 AM
Re: One Missing Feature since KN3000
Junior Member
Registered: 07/14/03
Posts: 27
Loc: Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
OKAY, before I get shot down in flames for talking rubbish in my last posting!... I've just had a look at my brochures for Technics keyboards:
The KN1000 has 3 so-called 'Rhythm Variation' buttons, in addition to the Dynamic Accopmpaniment, (or D.A.). The brochure describes D.A. as "...an advanced new function(then!)...which detects in BOTH HANDS, how hard and fast you strike the keys..."
The KN2000 has only 1 Variation button, strangely, as well as D.A.
Then, as KN3000 owners know, the now-familiar 4 Variations & M.S.A. arrangement appeared, with D.A. still intact.
I guess, by the time the KN5000 arrived, D.A. was superfluous, due to the reasons I mentioned in my previous reply. The powerful Composer and Sound Arranger allow for far greater flexibility than D.A. ever could!
Any further thoughts?...
Neil Bennett